Chapter 3: Welcome Back, Teammates!

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I woke up squinting at the clock for a start. The sun was in my eyes, practically laughing at me. It was already 10 am. With the muscles under my skin tense and begging me to twist like a cat before turning back into a ball, the urge to jut sleep in was all too tempting.

'They aren't around anyway.'  The faces of my new comrades flashed in my head.

'That means you can train properly, dumbass.' Another voice growled in my head. A long groan escaped my throat before I hesitantly pulled up from the sheets. With my bare back suddenly feeling cold, I realized I had taken my shirt off at some point.

"Should I go around?" 

Well, it's not like I'll be doing anything for the rest of the day. After a debate with my thoughts, I decided that it was best to just procrastinate and just take a tour of the village for today. I had to get a feel of the place again anyway.

With a relieving sigh, I pulled out of bed and went into the bathroom to get a nice bath, changing into an all white garb, careful to choose the white pants and a white V-neck paired with a white leather jacket.

Something in me said that all white was not a good idea, but I was going to be walking around all day. No way am I going to be covered in dirt.

With my wardrobe complete and all too white, I left the house feeling giddy, walking through the forest with my hands stuffed deeply into my coat pockets. Despite me shivering all the way to my bones, thanks to the strong, cool wind, my mood has gotten a lot better than yesterday.

Walking down the streets, I tried to think of which routes I should take first. With the wind whistling into my ears and getting my fringe all up in my eyes, I slightly growled, running my fingers through my hair. Though it is troublesome, having slightly long hair was still fun and I always liked it messy.

While random thoughts filled my head, I wanted to see if there was anything good to do around here. But doing so was easier said than done. Since every single person I passed was staring at me.

Thinking now and trying to distract myself from the stares, I remembered gramps' remark about me having a test.

In my head, my grandpa's face appeared, grinning evilly this time as a slyness glinted in his eyes.

"We'll see." I remember him saying.

I sighed inwardly. What the hell does the old man want me to do?! He's not even given me a clue about the test and for all I care, the test might be going on this very second.

Curse gramps' cryptic sentences! I know he's hokage and the strongest ninja and the one who always beat me in snakes and ladders, but seriously?! I wish he'd just stop playing around with me for once.

"Hey, it's Gakuren." One girl whispered, waking me from my trance. I knit my brows a bit.

Though I have been living in this village for a long time, I was never popular as a kid since I barely left the house. The only time I did was when father and I would go out and meet with grandpa Sarutobi.

So how in the world do they know my name already? Even with that thought, I simply ignored them and kept walking absentmindedly.

I thought acting indifferent to them would work but after a while, I found myself surrounded by giggling girls with long hair that smelled like fruit. I tried not to notice them since they did give me a bit of space and trailed along with me from behind like a pack of pups, but I never did like crowds.

With my nicest and kindest voice, I asked them what they were following me around for. All I got were simple grins and fluttery lashes.

They did go away, but I have a feeling this won't be the only day these girls will start irritating me. As I was making my way to the park, I heard a small voice calling my name from afar.

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