Chapter 18: A Ghostly Flashback...

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    After passing through many doors, we finally stopped at a huge stone arch and past the stone was a huge room. It was so big, you could fit two whales inside. I craned my neck just to see the tall ceiling.


    I looked ahead and saw my teammates all dirty and scratched. I blinked and saw Lee’s team and the sound ninja too. The three teams were in separate lines and they stood waiting for us.

    Wow. Looking at this, it seems that only 22 people have passed, including me. Kiba’s team and the sand ninja stood in separate lines as well.

    I headed for my teammates but Anko grabbed my arm and dragged me to the front, middle of everyone.

    I started to panic so much, it started to get hard to walk properly. I could feel their stares stabbing into my back, making my heart shake.

              To be honest, one of the scariest things for me is being in front of lots of people. That fear has been dug into me ever since I was a little kid. I was always very quiet and….how do I say this…anti-social.

The only people I really open up to were my friends and family. But since I arrived in the human world, I became…noisier. Must be because of Naruto’s blabbering.

  “Stay here.” Anko ordered.

  “Huh?! But, I have a team!!” I hissed.

  “Not in this test. Normal teams only have 3 members and you were only put in a team since there were no other squads left to put you in. So, bear with it.” Anko smiled. She knew that I hated standing before a crowd.

   Anko… sadist.

    I stood like a statue. Literally. I couldn’t move one muscle since I was paralyzed with nervousness.

     In front of me were jounin ninja-the ones from the leaf-guy sensei, Azuma sensei, Kakashi and a woman with long wavy black hair and red eyes. I didn’t recognize her but, whatever. There were more jounin I didn’t recognize but our past proctor Ibiki was there too.

              Then there were the foreign ninja. One jounin from the sand and one from the sound. And standing in the middle of all these people was Gramps.

He must’ve seen the stiffness of my posture since I saw his shoulders bob up and down as if he were laughing at me.

I scowled and pouted at him then looked at the jounin behind him, studying them. I ended up looking at the sound jounin. Something was odd about him. He looked really familiar.

After staring at him for what seemed like a long while, he noticed me and gave me a scowl. I blinked and looked away. It must be someone else…

    “First off, congratulations on passing the second test!” Anko congratulated but we all stayed quiet.


   I turned to see Naruto with his goofy grin.

  “We’re all together! This is going to be fun!” he said. I raised my brow at his enthusiasm and smiled.

             “Yeah. We’re all together. But, I don’t think this test will be that fun.” I said with serious eyes. Naruto blinked and Anko clapped her hands gaining our attention.

  I turned back to her, seeing what would happen next.

  “Lord Hokage will now explain the third test. Listen carefully.” Anko said through her microphone.

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