Chapter 21: A Human's Amazing Trait...

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     I saw my father and grandfather talking. It seemed really important ‘cause dad had his brows knit which was an expression he would always make whenever he’s talking to someone important and feeling annoyed. I peeked from the doorway to see what was going on.

     “Father, this Orochimaru, I have to kill him! He shouldn’t live! He’s turned into a demon and he’s after them.” Father said angrily while gripping the wooden table, turning it to kindle.

     “Ciel, I know that, but he’s far too powerful and he’s after you too. That man, he’s been after your people for years, trying to find a way to make himself live longer…”

     I heard gramps mumble.

I didn’t know what they were talking about but I kept my eyes on father. He looked depressed and confused. I’ve never seen him like this before and it’s getting me worried.

Suddenly, he tensed and turned to me. I jumped a bit and froze as I saw his horror-struck and surprised expression.

    He gave me that warm and gentle expression then walked up to me. He then took me in his arms and carried me out to the balcony that overlooked a wide forest and over that forest was a beautiful lake.

   “Gakuren, will you promise me something?” he asked with a gentle smile.

I started to play with his necklace which was made of silver and it held our family crest-on a silver shield was a shiny stone in the shape of a nine tailed wolf that had four colors circling it-green, red, white and blue.

    “What is it dad?” I asked, looking up at his gentle eyes.

              “Promise me…that you’ll grow up well and strong. When you grow up, you have to protect the family and humans as well, like I do. Promise me…you’ll always be happy.” He said with a gentle smile.

             I blinked my purple eyes at him and snickered. “Okay daddy. I promise.” I said. He held up his left pinky and he and I made a pinky swear.

    “And daddy, promise you’ll stay with us forever.” I giggled. He blinked at me and seemed to look sad. He recovered his bright smile and kissed my cheek.

   “Promise.” He said.

   The scene suddenly changed and I was back to that day…that day they all died. I was at master’s home and she had her arms around my small self, comforting me.

   “Father…mother…” I sobbed in master’s arms.

   “Daddy, he…he promised…” I hiccupped. Master hugged me tightly and I sobbed on her shoulder.

   “It’s okay. Now…” she said and I felt her tears fall as well.

   I kept seeing them die over and over again. It won’t stop.

           “Stop! No!” I yelled and my eyes flew open to see Sakura with her hands gripping my shoulders.

   I was panting heavily and my heart was racing. It was a dream.

  Feeling my lips quiver, I hid my face in my hand.

  “What? What’s wrong?!” she asked frantically.

  “It’s nothing. Just a bad dream.” I said and gasped.

   “Who’s the next fighter?” I asked her, sitting up. What I saw next made me lose my breath.

Gakuren Akiyama: Griffin Of the Leaf village (Naruto Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now