Chapter 11: A Study Date with The Hokage

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Walking down the shortcut leading home, someone suddenly pulled at my jacket hood and pushed it over my head so I couldn't see anything. Instinctively, I felt for the person's hand in front of my eyes then grabbed their wrist. Shifting my hold, I whirled my hand around the person's wrist then threw whoever it was unto the ground.

Shrugging off the hood, I blinked to see Naruto lying flat on the ground. Feeling my eyes soften into a bored annoyance, I rolled my eyes, planting my face into my palm.

Peeking from between my fingers, "I thought you were going home."

"I just wanted to surprise you..." he weakly said as he lay in the ground, looking like a total fool.

Feeling troubled, I wondered if he was always like this to everyone. If it was, then he'd most definitely be treated coldly back in my home world. Griffins aren't really the type of beings to let someone render them blind and let them get away with it unharmed. Hearing footsteps shuffling, I turned to see Sakura and Sasuke right behind me.

"Are you guys going this way too?" I asked then chuckled, trying to hide the discomfort scratching at my back. "Sorry but, I have stalking issues."

Sasuke rolled his eyes at me while Sakura giggled, thinking that I was joking.

"We are going to train." Sakura said. "We're only following you since the training grounds is this way."

I blinked at them and pulled Naruto up by the hand. "Don't do that again unless you want me to throw you into the air." I told him nonchalantly and patted his shoulder before continuing home.

"Hey! You're not training?!" Sakura called.

"I'll train at home!" I called back without turning to them and waved a lazy good bye.

After a while of walking, the forest surrounding my house was in sight. With a huff, I started jogging towards the edge of the forest, making sure that my distance from the house was considerably far for a decent jog.

At the back of my head, I wondered if I really should be doing this. After all, Griffins are usually in top shape when it came to physical health.

'Better safe than sorry.'

I raised a brow at that thought. Quite true.

It would be quite embarrassing for the Hokage's grandson to fail his first chuunin exam. Though I am just an adopted grandson, it was still the best if I was able to make a good name for myself.

With the sun's warm rays caressing the skin on my neck, I continued running with the chuunin exam in mind.

While on my 50th lap, a realization clung to my head like a sticky bell that just kept ringing every time I moved.

Just because it's a test to see if I'm a good ninja, it doesn't mean it can't be a written exam. That's right. It is called an exam. It's impossible not to have any written questions involved.


Thinking harder, I stopped all too suddenly, tripped over my own feet and fell flat on my face with an incredibly embarrassing yelp. Pulling my head up, I stared at the sky turning orange overhead, resting my chin on the soft grass.

"I haven't read anything about the ninja world."

Obviously, an exam for Leaf ninjas has to have questions about the village's history. I shut my eyes, scrunching my nose in distaste and lightly punching my own head, muttering 'Idiot, idiot.' in a pitiful chant to myself.

Gakuren Akiyama: Griffin Of the Leaf village (Naruto Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now