Chapter 6: Beating up Naruto is really Helpful

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Deeply inhaling, I jerked from my bed, my eyes snapping open and my drowsiness instantly dissipating.

Someone was in the house.

Quickly jumping out of bed, I followed the scent to the garden to see who was dumb enough to go into a Griffin's property. I was not in a good mood today.

Slamming the glass door open, my eyes looked up before they rolled under my eyelids.

Hanging unto the sakura tree's branch was no other than the knucklehead Naruto Uzumaki and above the stone wall, straddling it were Sakura and Sasuke, both of their heads held down low probably in attempt to be sneaky.

'Do they not know me at all?'

"You fool, Naruto!" Sakura hissed in a whisper while Sasuke stared at Naruto with a look full of complete disdain that said: "what an idiot."

Sasuke sighed. "I told you we should've just knocked on the door. He'll kill us at this rate."

Trust Sasuke to hit the bull's eye.

It's been two days since their last visit to my house and since then, I've wanted them to come back and accompany me since it was getting boring with Konohamaru being in school these days. But after what had happened yesterday, I was starting to contemplate whether or not I should throw them out of the house right now.

My attitude is probably understandable.

First of all, who would trespass into someone else's home??

The wall is clearly there as a barrier, yet here these three idiots are sneaking into my house for reasons I really don't want to know. For some reason, these three were magnets for trouble. And the proof I have of this was from yesterday.

One accident after another happened to me because of the Terror Three.

Being genin, we were given missions of baby-sitting children who did not understand the concept of manners or relaxation. At first, I thought things were going to be alright and I would manage the day but hell, was I wrong.

First, Naruto almost impaled me with a kunai when he was in the middle of lecturing the kids on how to hold it properly when he wasn't holding it properly himself. Next, Sakura panicked too much when the kids started to get too excited. When I tried to help her out, she gave up her sanity and when a child jumped into her lap, she was so startled that she jerked her hand so hard, that the cup filled to the brim with hot tea poured all over my face. Then, I almost got punished by Iruka sensei because Naruto just had to teach bad kids a very good prank.

And, it wouldn't occur to anyone or me that Sasuke would accidentally do something, but he managed to anger a bee's nest when he tried to get one of the kids out of the tree and for some reason, they came after me instead of him. 

After that, I was grounded by gramps thanks to Naruto's 'accidental' ruining of the Ninja council members meeting at the Hokage's building.

What was that accident exactly? Naruto led a herd of bulls into the village. Yes, it was the same herd that chased down Konohamaru and they were vengeful.

Though most of this seemed like accidents (...well, they were actually.), I was still extremely pissed off. Because of all that happened, I was more than exhausted.

I could've avoided all of this though.

I could've told them I was feeling sick when they accepted the mission when I told them not to accept it 'cause it had something to do with horrible kids. But it wasn't like they were gonna listen to me, that was predicted.

Gakuren Akiyama: Griffin Of the Leaf village (Naruto Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now