Chapter 29: An Embarrassing Reunion

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     We got to the academy and stayed at the running field. Ryuu summoned some blankets and big umbrellas for us to relax with.

     I plopped onto the soft blankets and sighed.

    “Comfy…” I sighed happily.

    “Hey, Gakuren, where’s Takeshi now?” Arata asked. “Did he leave already?” I nodded with my eyes closed.

     Someone put their hand on my head and I opened my eyes to see Salem looking down at me with a happy smile.

    “You were awesome, kid.” He said. “I tried to fight Takeshi but I couldn’t even last a minute.” He addedd with an embarrassed chuckle. I gave him a small smile and felt my eyes grow heavy.

    “Wonder why gramps wants us to go here.” I mumbled under my breath.

    “Gakuren…” Ryuu suddenly called.

    “Hmm?” I mumbled and when he didn’t reply I opened my eyes a bit and looked at him. He was sitting next to me staring at the clouds with a worried expression. I blinked at him and sat up.

    “What is it?” I asked and followed his gaze. My brows knit when I saw a rainbow. But this was no normal rainbow-it was circling the sun. I’ve never seen any rainbow like that before, but for some reason I was feeling uneasy.

    “Am I the only one who feels uncomfortable?” Arata asked. I blinked and stared at the rainbow. I shrugged it off and lay back on the blanket.

   “It must be nothing. I’ll be asleep.” I said and shut my eyes.

    I woke up to a loud BOOM! The sound making the ground shake so much, I thought an earthquake was happening. My eyes flew open and I jumped to my feet. What I saw made me speechless.

    Not an earthquake, but behind the walls of the village was a giant three headed snake. But what got my attention were the tear shapes on its sides and head. The same marks on sasuke’s neck.

    “Guys. You see what I’m seeing right?” Arata asked.

   “Uh-huh, a giant snake? Yeah. I see it.” Salem said. Those marks…they were put on Sasuke by Orochimaru.

   My eyes grew wide with realization.

  “Orochimaru.” I hissed and my friends whipped their heads to me.

  “What was that?!” a voice yelled.

    I turned to see one chuunin ninja come out from inside the academy. Once he saw that huge snake, his eyes grew wide.

    “Evacuate the kids!” I ordered. “Get them far away from here!” With a salute, he nodded quickly and ran back inside.

   “Guys, I need to go to the arena and warn gramps. You ready to take on a snake?” I asked them and Arata laughed.

   “Well I am! I love this place!” he yelled happily while doing a fist pump.

   “You go Gakuren. We’ll handle this thing.” Kai said with his hand on my shoulder.

   “Thanks guys. Beat it down.” I said with a smile.

   “Hey, your ‘other side’ is coming out Gakuren.” Salem said with a chuckle and I gave him a confident smirk. After a second, they all sped off to help the other jounin who were holding back the serpent and I raced to the arena.

      Once I got there, I tensed to see a huge purple barrier up on the roof of the watcher’s area. I gasped to see inside was what looked like a jungle. I squinted and saw my grandfather wearing all black. It looked like battle clothes and in the open area was a familiar man-Orochimaru.

Gakuren Akiyama: Griffin Of the Leaf village (Naruto Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now