Chapter 31: The Funeral

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                                                  2 days later…

     I looked up at the sky and sensed it was going to rain. It was only 8 in the morning and it was terribly cold. I stood up from the soft grass and decided to head home.

    After the attack on the leaf village, I didn’t go home for 2 days and stayed outside of the village. I had to clear my head from all that happened. Every night I hear them looking for me but I didn’t want them to find me sobbing behind a tree.

    Everything made me too confused and it felt so frustrating. I sighed and sped off to my house.

   I got home and saw my friends and Moon out in the garden. It seemed like Moon’s injuries have healed. That was good. I also noticed they were wearing all black.

   “Gakuren! Where on earth have you been?!” Salem yelled with alarm. They swarmed me and I struggled to get through them.

   “It’s fine. I was only outside the village…” I trailed off and stopped in front of Moon. I looked u0p at him and to my surprise-he punched me really hard, making me fall to the ground.

   “Ow!” I whimpered.

   “What’s wrong with you?” he hissed. I looked up at him to see he was giving me a glare like how dad used to when I did something really bad.

   “Do you have any idea how long we’ve been looking for you?! When things are this bad, even though I understand how you feel about this, don’t go running out the village and not telling any of us how long you were going to be gone!” he yelled angrily. I stared at him with a partially open mouth.

     I blinked lots of times and looked down at the ground with shame.

    “Sorry. I’m…really sorry.” I said out loud and stood up. I kept my eyes on the ground, not wanting to let them see my shameful face. I heard Moon sigh and I felt someone put his hand on my head. I looked up to see Moon smiling again.

    “You understand now? There are lots of people here who care about you. So don’t go worrying them. Okay?” he said patting my head and I nodded in understanding.

    “Why are you guys wearing all black?” I asked them.

    “Grandfather’s funeral. It was good you came here in time.” Moon said. They were all wearing the same kind of clothes-black loose pants and a black loose long sleeved shirt.

    I went in to see that I had the same thing too. I wore it and once I got out to the garden, it started drizzling. I started to feel sad again. It looks like the heavens are sad too.

      We were at the top of the hokage’s building and all the ninja were here. I also saw my teammates. We walked to the side and I saw Konohamaru’s shaking form. Iruka sensei had his arm around Konohamaru’s shoulder, comforting him. I walked up to them and patted Konohamaru’s head.

     He looked up at me with a very messy face. I took out my handkerchief and wiped his face. He suddenly hugged me tightly and sobbed into my shirt. I crouched down and hugged him tightly.

    “It’s okay.” was the only thing I could say to comfort him.

    “I-I miss him…” he cried. I put my hand on his head and kept my tears in check.

Gakuren Akiyama: Griffin Of the Leaf village (Naruto Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now