Chapter 14: The Beautiful Forest of Death

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    All of us who passed arrived at a clearing, and in front of us was a forest of huge trees. The forest was barred by a metal fence and a sign saying-“Keep out, dangerous.”

   Sakura stood next to me while Sasuke and Naruto stood behind us, staring up at the giants then into the ominous darkness of the forest.

  “Whoa. This is creepy.......Wahh! Gakuren!” she yelled in alarm, but I ignored her.

   This forest is so beautiful! It reminds me of our forests back in Extail! Although some trees come to life and try to eat you there…

        “It’s not creepy! It’s really nice here! These trees are huge! I’m impressed!” I said quickly while looking at the trees with glittering eyes.

   “You’re weird Gakuren…” Naruto mumbled.

   “Shut up! It’s not every day I get to see such giant trees. It would be nice to take a nap here.” I said thoughtfully.

   “HUH?!” the three of them yelled at the same time.

  “A nap?!” Sakura cried, sweat dropping.

 Ignoring their rising nervousness, I looked up seeing Anko standing in front of all of us.

  “He he…you’ll soon find out that this forest isn’t as nice as it seems Gakuren.” She said, a menacing smile rising under her darkening eyes. “You’ll find out soon why it’s called the forest of death.”

   I backed away from her and stayed next to Sasuke. Better stay away from her insanity.

   "What do you think is in there?" I asked, trying to hold my excitement in. Sasuke blinked at me with a blank expression.

"Dunno. We’ll find out soon enough." He simply said.

While I was daydreaming, the sudden scent of blood filled my nose. I turned back to the others and saw Anko behind Naruto, wiping blood from a sudden scar on his cheek.

  “Kids like you are easily killed. Ha-ha…” she laughed happily.

Looking at Anko right now, one word came to mind. Sadist. I can’t believe she used to be my babysitter. It’s impossible.

  Then from behind Anko, another ninja appeared.

 “Here’s your Kunai.” He said and as I said before…there are lots of weird ninja in this exam.

    The ninja was from the grass village and he had long, depressing black hair. He fixed his hat and gave Anko her kunai back using his…incredibly long snake tongue. To be honest, I was confused whether this guy’s actually a guy or a girl.

  This exam is…ugh…

  “Why thank you grass ninja.” Anko gratefully said and took the kunai from his tongue like she’d normally take weapons from other people’s tongues.

  “But you know…don’t sneak up on me, unless you want to die.” Anko said with a smile. I mentally rolled my eyes at Anko.

    “No, I just get excited when I see red blood.” The ninja hissed excitedly. “Plus, you cut my precious hair, I couldn’t help It.”

Why are there so many sadists here?!

   “I’m sorry.” Anko said and the grass ninja walked away.

   “Jeez, Anko…” I mumbled and I felt the air change. I whirled and caught Anko’s kunai before it could cut my face.

  “What did you say?” she growled.

Gakuren Akiyama: Griffin Of the Leaf village (Naruto Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now