Chapter 28: Fighting Someone that Can't Take 1 hit, But dozens

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    “OKAY! Now for the second match!” the proctor announced. I stretched my arms and sighed.

    “See you guys.” I said with a smile. Before I could get down the stairs, Naruto suddenly grabbed my shoulder.

    “Don’t lose.” He said with a smirk. I blinked at him and smiled back.

    “Yeah.” I replied.

But assuring my win is impossible right now. Since I have no clue about my opponent.  For all I care it could be the strongest one in the 7 griffins.

I was about to walk down something suddenly seemed to pull me towards the railings. And in a very strong manner.

    “Wha-what the?!” I yelled in alarm while I was being dragged to the railings.

    “Gakuren?! What are you doing?!” Naruto yelled.

    “I’m not doing anything!” I shouted back.

Turning towards the arena, my eyes widened. I then fell over the railings and heard the crowd gasp. Before I could fall on my head, I flipped three times and landed on the ground.

            On the opposite of me standing with his arms crossed and feet apart. He wore camouflage pants with combat boots like mine, and a green ripped sleeveless shirt and a dark green cape. He had orange hair and a confident smirk.

Seeing the strange man, everyone watching started murmuring, wondering who he was. I on the other hand knew exactly who he was. And my adrenaline was off the charts.

    “Takeshi Crowe…” I mumbled hiding my excitement.

   “Well, well, Gakuren! It’s been such a long time! How strong have you gotten kiddo?!” he laughed with his loud and scary laugh.

    I knew it…master sent one of the 7 legendary Griffins to fight me.

   Typical of her.

            Takeshi Crowe was the 3rd strongest and he was all brute strength. He barely appears in Extail’s main city and goes around our world for who knows what.

      Extail actually has tons of cities with indestructible stone, all because of  Takeshi. He tends to break everything around him even without knowing it. So, the city was made to withstand his strength.

Takeshi and I have a good relationship. He’s way stronger than me and I always challenge him whenever I see him but I end up in the hospital all the time. He’s a big guy actually and he has huge arms that intimidate the strong ones.

            If you’re wondering what his special ability is, he doesn’t have one and he doesn’t control the elements either. He simply uses brute strength.

     I stood up with my hands shaking. I kept my eyes on the ground to keep from charging him.

    “Well, Gakuren, do you want to go on with this match?” he asked. “You’ve been trying to beat me for years but never have. You should give up now while I’m still letting you.” I looked up at him with a confident smirk.

             “Oh, Takeshi, you also know I’m not one to run away from a fight with you. No way I’m giving up this chance!” I snorted happily. He chuckled and then looked at me with a serious face.

   “You realize I won’t be holding back on you right?” he asked.

   “Well, I won’t either. I’ve gotten stronger Takeshi!” I shouted with a crooked smile. “So, I accept this challenge to show you how strong I’ve gotten.”

Gakuren Akiyama: Griffin Of the Leaf village (Naruto Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now