Chapter 25: Again, Humans Never Cease To Amaze Me

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                While we walked down the corridor, the doors to the meeting room opened and jounin poured out. Good, I can still catch gramps. I walked faster and caught Kakashi sensei by the arm.

            He saw me and looked at me with surprise. “Gakuren. How long have you been there?” he asked nervously.

   “To be truthful, we heard everything.” I said with a straight face.

   “Sorry, we?” Salem asked form behind me. I rolled my eyes at him in reply.

            “Where’s gramps? I need to tell him something really important.” I quickly said. He stared at me and nodded to the meeting room. “Thanks sensei.”

   “Wait here.” I told my friends and went in the room.

              “Gramps,” I said while approaching him. He was sitting behind a desk and reading some papers. He looked up at me with surprise that quickly turned to a kind smile.

   “Gakuren,” He replied.

               “I need to tell you something and I need to know some things too.” I said and sat next to him. I closed the doors shut and told him about my meeting with Orochimaru in the forest of death and what he told me.

                “I want to know too, what he has to do with me and father.” I said and spilled everything that happened when I broke down before the preliminaries started. Once I was done, he stared at me with a straight face.

  “So, what does he have to do with me?” I asked him.

   He stared at me and hesitated to tell me at first then sighed.

   “Okay…when you were still a child, there was a day that the two of you visited the village along with your friend Kai and his father. That same day, your father came back from going around the outside of the village all bloody. He told me he met Orochimaru and he knew your father was a griffin.” Gramps explained. I blinked at him with surprise.

  “Has he ever met father?”

  “No. that was the first time your father ever saw Orochimaru.” Gramps said.

  “Then, what does it have to do with me?” I asked.

  “Orochimaru is obsessed with immortality and it has been said if you are able to kill a griffin with your own hands, you will gain more years to live and amazing power. He attacked your father knowing this and we don’t know how but…he found out about you and your brother.” Gramps said.

   “So, basically, he wants to kill me?” I asked and he simply nodded. I thought for more things I want to know and remembered Sasuke.

   “What does he want with Sasuke?” I asked.

“That’s the problem. We don’t know. But please, Gakuren, don’t go out the village recklessly.” He said with worried eyes.

              “I won’t. But I’m worried for my friends and this sand village’s betrayal…” I trailed off.

               “Have you forgotten? You and your friends are the top 5 strongest griffins in Extail. Even if Orochimaru tries to come near you, he’ll never be able to touch you.” he reminded.

     I stared at him but to be honest, I was a little worried. That man was so fast he was able to punch me without me noticing at all. And, when I hit him with a kunai, he didn’t even look a bit fazed.

Gakuren Akiyama: Griffin Of the Leaf village (Naruto Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now