Chapter 27: I Become a Little Too Enthusiastic

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                                      Day before the third exam…

               It was only 5 am and I was already training. I didn’t have any new moves at all except for that ‘unravel’ and I’ve been training without my griffin powers.

If my powers ever got cut off again, I have to be ready. I’ve been practicing my kicks and punches, speed and so. (Since those are the only things I can do without my powers.)

    While I sparred with a doll I made, I sensed someone watching my back. I turned to see my friends watching me from the door.

   I panted and gulped. “What?” I asked them and they shook their heads. I ignored them and kept practicing.

       “Hey, Gakuren! That’s enough! It’s already 3:15 and you haven’t eaten yet! Come in and have something to eat!” Arata called. I ignored him and kept on with practicing my ‘unravel’ control and summoning elements.

     I was extremely tired and I bet my legs were shaking ‘cause standing was now a challenge.

If master chose my opponent, I’m positive he or she is very strong. I’ve never been beaten by an opponent that master chose but the fight takes an extremely long time to finish. So, to make sure I end this quickly, training all day long seems like a good idea.

    I heard Salem sigh and suddenly, something seemed to tie me up. I tried to escape by jumping up but I just fell on my face. I looked up and saw Salem over me.

   “That’s enough. You might collapse.” He said and I sighed.

   “Fine… But will you get me out of these ropes?” I asked, squirming. I looked at my tied body and found black shadows were tying me up.

    They slowly disappeared and once I tried to stand up, I immediately fell back to the ground.

    “Whoa!” Salem said when he caught me. I wiped my sweat and chuckled weakly.

   “See? You should stop now. All this training will bring you to the hospital.” Ryuu said pointedly from the door. Salem put my arm over his shoulders and brought me inside.

              He sat me on the cushion and Ryuu poured me some vanilla tea. After that, they banned me from training no matter how many times I try to escape their eyes. The whole day passed like that- me in bed and staring up at the ceiling with my friends watching my every move.

                                    Day of the third exam…

     I woke up with Kai shaking me awake. I slowly opened my eyes and rubbed them.

“Wake up. It’s already 8 am. Your grandpa said the third test starts at 12 o’ clock sharp.” Kai said. I sat up and went to take a bath.

                I changed into black pants that I can easily run in without them bothering my feet or them falling off. Along with that, I wore a white sleeveless shirt and a purple jacket. I put my muffler around my neck and put on my favorite black combat boots.

    Kai and I went out to the main room and saw Salem, Ryuu and Arata were already having breakfast. Ever since they came here, the cook has been Ryuu and I was the one responsible for watching over the little kids (Salem, Arata and Kai of course.)

            So, basically Ryuu was the mom while I was the dad. After breakfast, we decided to go around the village so that my friends can see the village for one last time before going back home.

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