Chapter 15: Sand Is Scary... But not As Scary As Me.

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                While I walked through the dark path, I listened for enemies or as Anko said-giant man eating beasts. Thanks to my knowledge of nature and all its poisonous friends, I managed to find tons of great fruits and stay away from all the poisonous berries.

While I scanned for enemies, I heard my stomach growl. Putting my hand on my flat stomach, my eyes searched for something to eat.

Right on cue, there was movement up on the trees. I took out my kunai and sniffed the air. It wasn’t a human scent so I guess it’s an animal of some sort.

   I threw the kunai at the branches and a pheasant flew out in panic.

    “Now.” I mumbled and quickly summoned a bow and arrows that had their heads made of stone. After a good aim, the arrow ripped through the air and in a second, the bird fell in front of my feet. I picked it up, pulling the arrow out of it.

    I snapped my fingers and summoned my bag. I ran under the huge roots of the tree that was big enough to hide three people in then put the bird next to me. I checked my bag and saw I had weapons- my bow and arrows, small knives, shuriken and some strings and wires.

I looked around and focused on sensing enemies.

None. So far, I haven’t met any other enemies yet.

   I put the bird in front of me and found some small rocks. I put it in a circle around the bird and snapped my fingers, after a second, the bird was being cooked in fire.

If you think I could attract people because of my smoke, think again. My master taught me a way to make a fire without sending signals. For griffins that can use the element of fire, it’s relatively easy.

    We just have to find shiny stones and put it in a circle then visualize a clean fire- a fire that doesn’t give off smoke. But this fire isn’t ordinary. It’s not yellow or orange but it’s blue. Don’t know why but… oh well.

             After a while the bird was cooked and its feathers have fallen off. I stopped the fire and took out my knife.

I cut its side and delighted in the sight of fresh food. It might not have been chicken but, this’ll have to do. I sucked in a breath of the cooked bird and sighed. It smelled exquisite.

    “This is gonna be good.” I mumbled excitedly, taking the bird out from the circle and putting it on a large leaf. After cutting it up into pieces, eating and feeling content, I wrapped the rest of the bird up and stuffed my leftovers into the bag.

            Getting to my feet, I scattered the shiny rocks, throwing them everywhere. Once I erased my scent with the soil and mud, I put my bag over my shoulder and started to look for my scroll.

    While I was jumping from tree to tree, I thought of what Anko said.

Anko that woman……she tends to give hints when she talks. She said that she made the scroll herself and no one has touched it but her…

I blinked, my mind momentarily going blank.

If no one has touched it but her, then I can trace the scent on the scroll and boom! I can go to the tower.  

     But the downside is, she gave it to another group so, whoever that group is, they have their scent all over it now.

              I stopped under the canopy of the trees and shut my eyes. I took a deep breath and felt my muscles tense. At these times, my senses are the most powerful. I could sense enemies a mile away and even smell them before they can find me.

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