characters chapter

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"Oh Shit, I'm late" I said jumping off my bed running to the bathroom.

Hey, sorry can not speak much so I am just going to tell you my name and you will learn about me later.

My name is Chan and right now I'm currently late for school. That's right I go to school still because I'm only 19. That is right I go to college.

Heading down stairs I was greeted with everyone bowing their heads at me.."Not this Shit again" I said to myself. " You may rise" I said with power in my voice. They all obey and continue with their work.

Well I guess it's later. You must be wondering what am I or who am I. Well my name is Chan like I said before and I'm the daughter of King David and Queen Michelle Richards. That is right, I'm royalty, well so they say. I really don't care about the royalty crap. My mother and father are the King and Queen of all supernatural species.

Anyhow, I have school which takes me 20 to 30 minutes to reach to, yes I do keep a low profile, yes humans do know about the supernatural species but if other evil supernatural know I'm alive they will try to kill me.

30 minutes later

"Hey Gem and Pillz" I said loud enough for them to hear me. They turn around and wave,while I walk towards them. Gem is a princess of witches and Pillz is a Princess of Vampires yes they are royalty but not how I'm. Honestly we all don't care much. People find it's funny how all the princesses and princes hang out together but yet they don't find it strange I'm hanging out with them. Later on you will meet Mond he is king to be for the northern territory for werewolves.

He is king to be because his father died protecting him and his mom when he was younger, now he is at the age of finding his mate and becoming the king. I'm happy for him.

"Hey guys ready for advance mathematics" a familiar voice said. As I turn around seeing it was Tai. Tai is a prince of the sea he have two older brother so he won't be a king but he doesn't really care because he already found his mate which just so happen to be Pillz.

"Hahaha, funny you know I hate maths, see you guys later I said walking away from them, heading to my psychology class.

3 hours later

Walking to the parking lot I saw my friends their backs were to me but I knew they could not sense me coming because my father thought me how to smell like a human. What I love about my life, not all supernatural species know I'm royalty they don't even know I'm alive I should say. Long story short my father announce I was dead to keep me safe.

"Guys, what are we going to do today?" They all look at me and shrug. "So much help"I said while rolling my eyes.

"Just now is your birthday Chan right after Mond,you will be 20 and will be able to sense your mate or know if he/she is alive." Pillz said happily hugging Tai.

Pillz and Tai are the oldest then Mond then myself then Gem.

As I was about to answer her my phone rang. Looking down I saw Nai and Moy name pop up...

"Hola" I said " ahhhhhh, hey cousin." I heard my twin cousins screaming on the phone. Don't get me wrong I love my cousins but they are rather loud. I don't know how they get away with it.

You must be a bit confused.

On the eastern part of the world king Ronald have rules which so happens to be the twins father. The rules state that all women must be a house wife and maintain the house hold. Meaning , seeing about the children, cleaning,cooking and being the sex slave whenever their husband want them to be. After high school females are not allowed to leave with out a male and they are not allow to go college. Hence the reason why Moy and Nai have so much time on their hands. I for sure know I'm not submissive and the women in that kingdom have to be.

" Are you going to the grand ball cousin Chan or should I say princess Chan Margrita Lindiarai Richards"I heard Moy said giggling. I roll my eyes at how she use my full name.

" I have no choices my father is the King of King and my mother is Queen of Queen so of course I'm force to go."

I heard a next scream meaning that they are actually getting to come the ball this year.That is right, their father don't allow their kingdom to attend. I guess he wants to come this year.

"Moy and Nai I got to go, I'm going home from school,bye love you both." Before they hung up I heard a lucky from them, then the line disconnected. Looking around I saw all my friends looking at me, I know they heard the conversation and must be shock I'm actually attending this year. I normally don't ,well I say I do but end up ducking it by playing sick. I'm shook that works all the time. Because my mother and father both have powers like me. I have no clue. Oh well.

"Yes I'm going" I said answering their facial expressions. " you serious this time" Gem ask.. I nodded. " But I can't go with my parents remember most people think I'm dead so I have to keep a low profile so when you guys see me tomorrow at the ball don't bow to me. But I will have to do such to you" I said in a stern voice they all tense up" Shit sorry you may move" I said did not realizing how my power came through my voices.

They all nodded in understanding. With that everyone went their separate ways......

At home like always the maid and the guards are in the kitchen it's their lunch break. I walked into the kitchen and let my powers flow. They all tense up because of my powers.. When they saw me they all bowed. I nodded and went to the counter and grabbed an Apple then went up stairs. Arriving upstairs I hear the noise resume meaning they are nor feeling my powers anymore..

What a day... Just think of this.. I keep a low profile and can't be a princess outside but in my house I'm a princess, funny...... well to me.

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