chapter 11

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I ain't going to lie, some times I'm nervous as hell to speak in front people, but I just have to swallow that, like right now and speak up.

" I'm here to help you and I'm here to see to everyone needs. The rules for this kingdom got to go for we are not living in the past but in the present. The way you treat women in this land is rather distasteful and by that I mean look at the women you guys say to be your mate. Mates are to be loved, cared and also be protected but right now I'm looking at broken down women, who just don't want to leave their mate because of the after effect from when the bond will be broken. I'm really the only one who feel the pain of every women in here?" I spoke smoothly while walking around the stage.

"Why make the women wear clothing that look like garbage but the guys dress proper, don't you not care for your mate" by what I'm saying everyone went quiet. They see what they are doing is a bit wrong because they all walk across to their  wife/ mate. I give a half smile but that is not all that has to be addressed.

"By the starting of tomorrow, women are going to be trained to fight, they will be a change of clothing , there will be less being a house wife and more being an independent person they are to be, not a slave that suppose to pleasure every needs" by that I heard growling, I sigh why this just could not of gone nicely.

"QUIET" I said in my Queen voice. "Obey my command, a woman will still clean and cook but men must not force them. You can't make your mate do nothing for they also are the same level as you. Do I make myself clear" my voice boom out in power. All the men lower their heads.

"Ladies by tomorrow at 4 in the morning meet at the clearing where I will personally train you. All women must attend if I don't see everyone I will come get you myself" by that I exited off the stage. Thinking it was a good time to end the meeting. Walking pass my mate I see him fuming but not my problem, yet I'm still wondering why don't I not feel anything once again I shrugged it off.

Heading to Queen Faithy.
"Can you fight" I asked the queen. " I chose not to do that un-lady like thing" she said.

"With all due respect I did not asked you for all that I asked you if you know how to fight" with my words she look at me and sigh.

" Sorry Queen Chan, I only know how to handle my magic and that is all."

"Well good it have witches in this pack I can feel and smell them. You will teach them when I call for you" I said looking at her." As you wish Ma'am" she bowed.

Really don't like the bowing thing much but jezz this pack need a little tough love .

Next Day.

It's currently 3:00 in the morning and Cardo have yet to speak to me. I don't know where he is but I can't be bothered at the moment. Putting on a leggings and a tank top I head to the clearing space where I will warm up by myself first. I'm rather strong for just a girl I said to myself laughing.

I pre jog and pick up my speed pushing myself even more then out of no where I jumped  and shifted into mid air.

My wolf is a royal Blue with a white diamond shape crown on my head. I'm yet to speak to my wolf because I'm not at the age as yet,how sad but I could still feel it. Mama always say when I reach the age I will have more powers and Authority which do not bother me much.

Heading back it was almost four I was almost back to the clearing....

Approaching the cleaning I saw the women coming to training in a jeans pants and a tee shirt. It will have to do for today. I shift in mid air. No I'm not naked, my clothes do reappear on me.

The women was a bit taken back by my appearance.

"Morning ladies" they all bowed. Firstly at the training center you may not bow to me on this ground we help each other, to become stronger to become braver and to become wiser"." I hope everyone brought back up clothes" they all nodded

Smiling to myself. " Great lets start off simple. I am going to ask you all to shift to see how big you are and your strength and weaknesses are. By that it will tell me who will be my top warrior and my second top warrior in other words the Beta and Gimma for the women" they all smile and nodded. Could see in their eyes they felt wanted and not useless.

By that I clap my hands.

"Shift" I command.
They all shift, some even screamed shifting maybe because they're not allowed here to do such.

Walking through the pack of she-wolves, I spotted a big she-wolf you could see she is of alpha blood. I walked up to her and mind link saying" go to the middle" she nodded.

Second biggest I did the same and it went on like that.

Everyone now were back to their human form.

"Great, I have chosen the Beta and the Gimma. Looking at the two women that  are walking back from behind the trees.

I recognize the woman behind, the same one who name was Mai.

"State your name for me, meaning your full name and I will state your title for it will be known on the kingdom." I said with power in my voice.

"I'm Mai Botlet" "you are now the top warrior the Beta both male and female have to show respect when seeing you"

"I'm Dawny Osina" "You will be the Gimma, you will also receive respect and as for the rest you will be the women warriors. I speak proud of you don't let a man speak down unto you for you are strong and you are independent."

" This will be all for today,tomorrow we will truly be starting hand to hand battle and train to strengthen your bones. And by tomorrow I will send better clothes for everyone in this kingdom. Until you gain more courage to stand up for yourself"

"Dismiss"i spoke.

"Well i see my little mate, stepping up her game, I also see that you are rather in shape" by that I saw Cardo walked passed me slapping my butt. I gasps.

"Where were you?"

"Walking around finding something to do since you take my kingship"he said heading to the house.

"Actually I did not,my father did jogging up to catch up with him",

In reply he just hum.

"Well be like that,I'm going in town for food. Will you like to come after I change" I ask.....

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