chapter 31

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"Chan get up" ...."why" I mumble.

"Argg, this not the time for that the war has began" I heard Kenny said.. Without no delay I got up and snapped my finger causing clothes to come on...
"Who been attack first" I asked walking down stairs with him.

"They started with Sea land, the witches block their powers causing them not to use their water to fight back."

"Shit, get all the warriors I have to teleport everyone to the palace."

"They are all in the clearing area, Beta and Gimma got them." Oh great well let's fight back.

"Chan look at me, I want you to be careful if anything to happen call me and I will appear do you understand me" Kenny said looking into my eyes.

" Boy stop acting like I can't handle my God dam self. I will be good now stop being a pssy and let's end this war" with that I kiss him.

"Everyone ready, I'm going to teleport you all to the palace we are going to fight there.Gimma did you warned all the kingdoms."

"Yes Ma'am they are all meeting on the palace ground" she said.

"Lets go guys and be safe"

No one knows how dam scared I'm at the moment. Maybe Kenny because he could feel my emotions but I blocked him out after his little speech. This war I know for sure it's life or death.

Arriving at the palace ground my father had his warriors all back to back surrounding the land.

"Warriors split up and guard the palace" I said walking to my father.

"Dad where is mom"

"No hello Dad" he said."You really not serious at this moment"

"Young lady, I could feel your nervousness and your mom is on the other side of the palace with the witches. Oh your friend Gem and her mom is there as well"

"Thank you dad , Kenny you will stay with king David and I be back maybe"

"Oh none sense don't call me king David you are my daughter mate and i actually like you. Later hunny I will take care of him for you" my dad said'

"Dont scare the boy and keep an eye out"i said teleporting to my mom.

"Hello my daughter" my mom said before I even fully reach in good.

"Hi mom, what you planning to do?"

"Wait, can't do nothing as yet.All the guards are surrounding the kingdom and then the witches then your guards. Your friend Princess Pillz and her Vampire warriors will be arriving right...... now"

"Morning all" Pillz said.

"Pillz where Tai i saw Mond but did not see Tai"

"His land was attack first and when we found out they where all kill including his father mother, brothers and their mates. So Tai is inside the palace having an anger melt down.I calm him as much as possible. Just hope he don't do anything stupid when the war reach here."

"Okay, that really hard to take in. But I thought his mom went over to Wendell side."

"She did, but they kill her anyways"

"Dam that just so cruel in so much ways"

"Queen Michelle they are coming " a warriors said out loud.


Orders were thrown left right and center... Warriors were fighting the rogues... witches were battling other witches and vampires were doing the same.

Saw two rogues coming to me in full forces before I even get chance they both necks were broken in a blink of an eye...

Looking to my left I saw an angry Kenny...

"Dam you could of let me have so fun,baby"I said pouting my lips.

"Cute now, now focus" I snap back into serious bxtch mode.


"I must say Chan you could be my Queen again,come help me rule the kingdoms with my uncle and my mother. You could still remain a princess." He said stepping closer to me.

"Boy I'm warning you if you don't back the fxck up I will rip that pretty little face off you right now" I threaten.

"Oh little princess catch an attitude." With that his eyes went red.

What ever he is doing it's making my inside heat up my body feeling like it is on fire and I'm burning up on the inside. "W..what are you doing me? I choke out.

By then Kenny by my side,growling at Cardo. " You have to use the magic Chan, I know you hate it but you got to"Kenny whispered.

I took a deep breath as best as I could.

I rises back up and let my powers out.

Rising my hand, twisting it around causing Cardo inside to turn in to a knot with out wasting time I snap my finger and snap his neck. Within a second Cardo was on the floor dead. The rogues howl informing their king that his nephew has gone... simple but it's not over as yet.

Dropping on the floor... " I can't believe I just did that"

"Its okay let's go help your mom baby" with that we sprinted to where my mother was(could of teleport but we were so into the moment)

Running we saw that we are winning but I felt my mother growing weaker, she is using to much of her powers....

We need to hurry  NOW..

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