chapter 9

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Seeing all these people in Cardo kingdom crowding around Wondering what's going on. When my father told him, that he's taking his title from him until he have proven worthy of being a king again.

They must have felt the connection being cut which confused them now because I'm the ruler here, cause ...well you know I'm his mate. Oh joy.

" Excuse me" I said trying to pass through people. They just look at me and did not even move out of the way. Not this crap again. I said" Excuse me" with a stern voice not letting out my powers. Once again they all blinked and looked at Cardo. I looked at him and he just shrugged. I walked directly to him and grabbed his ear while pushing pass everyone . They all gasps at my action. Even heard some said

" How could she do this" "who is she" " is she a princess"..  almost reaching to the door I heard a Woman spoke.

"Let go of my son now child" I spin around immediately. Looking at the woman who must be in the same age bracket as my mom, mid 40s. She walked through everyone, they all bowed except the men.....idiots.

"Who are you and why are you holding my son ear" she ask eyeing me up and down. I'm tired of this hiding powers crap but I spoke naturally.

" I'm the Daughter of King David and Queen Michelle but you may call me Chan." I said in a natural voice. Everyone looked at me and laugh. Though the men who were in the house for breakfast this morning was not laughing.

" Why are you lying  upon the high ROYALTY" she said in her Queen voice I must say I was taken back by the power she held but remembered I was still not using my powers.

"If you are so the princess why are you bowing" with that I rise up and let go of Cardo ear will he mumble few choice words that cause me to glare  at him. Causing him to look the other way.

"I'm your son mate you will show me respect." I said

" I don't have to do such human" she walk closer to me, I could feel her power. Not using my powers back it's causing me to submit to her ..

Breathing in I looked at her once more.

" You will listen to me and listen well you will follow my son rules and everything he says. Do you understand me" she scream.

"Listen to me and listen well you will respect me as a Queen and as a princess do you understand me" I said with all my powers unlocking. When I was finish everyone was on their knees bowing even Cardo.

"Rise all" I said. They all did such but with a shock expression. " and you Ma'am will be More respectful I said pointing to the last queen. She nodded and step back.

Some times I do hate using my powers. But people think they could just take over my whole body with out hearing me out it honestly get me annoyed.

"Okay everyone, settle down, my name is Princess Chan Richards and I'm your leader mate, my father demoted his title for he did not see fit for him being king cause he was not showing women equal rights as he do to men. With that said the rules of your village will be change whether You like it or not. Do you all understand "I said casually. They all nodded. " You are dismiss" with that they all return to their  huts .

"I must say for a young lady you handle that pretty well" my mate Mother who name I can't remember at the moment said. "Thank you but I was trained to be a Queen and handle situations" I said looking at her up and down.

"What is your name?" I asked her " I'm Queen Faithy Emanuel" she said bowing. "It's nice meeting you sorry that the men in the kingdom look down on lovely women like yourself" I said with a sad sigh.

"Don't worry my child, they are not has bad as you think" with that she was gone"

I was taken back, did not expect her to be a witch she had no scent.

"You are a hybrid, I said looking at Cardo". Earning a nod then his eyes turn dark blue showing his witch side.

What really going on here.... just don't seem right oh well...

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