chapter 28

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"CARDO" I growl

"Awwww little princess a little angry."

"Leave the land Cardo before you get yourself kill"

All of a sudden I was pin to a tree my head hit hard.

"Princess not tough now"he commented looking into my eyes. He have the red magic in him,i assume since his eyes are a deep red.

Shit I'm yet to read the book as yet well I only got it yesterday anyhow and he is way stronger. still going to try..

With all my strength I send Cardo flying back. I took this as my chance to run ,knowing I can't fight him..

As I was now about to run I was pull back by my hair... That Shit hurt as hell...

"Ohh princess you should of just listen to me than trying to escape"

He was literally dragging me to somewhere I'm not sure.

Giving up I felt my hair being let go.. Oh thank you Moon Goddess I felt as if my brain was about to pop out.

Looking up I saw a really upset Kenny with out any shirt on and boy oh boy if we were not in this predicament I will of.... wait, what am I saying he has a mate. I took this as my chance to get up.

" You fool, you must not come around the princess when I'm around do I make myself clear" Kenny said in a threatening tone. Cardo on the other hand did not seem to care he just blink and vanished.

"Princess Chan are you okay. Are you hurt in any way, do I need to carry you to the pack hospital" Kenny shower me with questions.

"No Kenny I'm fine, I could not do anything because he have the red magic in him as well" I breath out.

"Dam you have to start reading that book the Queen give you" I just nodded.

"Come lets go before mister man bring friends with him I don't have no energy to burn on him and his tails" he said smiling I just smile back.

"Must say thank you, you came back in the right time but may I ask where is your shirt"

"Oh, when I was almost to the pack I notices you were not behind me. I tried mindlinking you but the fool block it with his magic. So I shifted into my woft and ran back into the woods. Approaching you I saw that he had you by your hair I change back and put on this pants and well pin him to a tree as you saw" he said telling me his little story. I just giggle.

"Hey Chan"my beta and Gimma said.

"WHAT happen to your clothes what took place" Dawny said smirking.

Rolling my eyes I answered" I been attacked by Cardo he have what you call the red magic that is stronger than normal witch magic and black magic combine"

"Ohh flick" she said. I will tell the patrols to keep an eye out with that she left running out the pack house.

"Dam once you are alright. Lets go get you clean the hell up you look like you went through some kind of world war" Mai said "Jeez why thank you Mai" I said sarcastically.

She just giggle.

In Kenny room

"Come on princess try it again see if you could do it stronger" Kenny said.

I'm currently in Kenny room with the red magic book learning how to make a shield for the kingdom so everyone could at least sleep good.

"I can't it really take a lot of energy" I said. Dropping on his bed.

"Queen Michelle did said it will but take your anger and use it as a positive feedback" he said. I nodded

Getting back up I said the spell and picture shield over the kingdom.

When I reopen my eyes Kenny was not there...

"Very good Princess you did it" he said now entering the room again.

"Sorry I went to check if you really did it this time " he said sitting on his bed.

"I don't feel that much tired like the first time which is good I think".

"Indeed it's Chan." He said looking through the same Red magic book.

" There are plenty strong magic in this book I could just feel it by just looking through the pages" he said putting down the book.

"You should get some rest your mom want you by her tomorrow afternoon and you told me you want to visit some one that goes by the name Bari",

"I must warn you now, bari is the brother for the man who attacked me today in the woods. I want to speak to him and see if he is in with his brother and mother." I said looking at Kenny.

"Okay as you wish Chan. Now If he is with his brother and try to kill you and me " Kenny asked.

" I just have to go with the moon Goddess because I don't know what to expect ." I said getting up once more.

"Good night Kenny"

"Good night my Princess"

With that I exited out his room.

Tomorrow will be a productive day for sure.....

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