chapter 17

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earlier that day...

I'm current going to visit my mother. She asked to speak to me I have no choices or she will tab me.

"Mother I'm here"

"Ahh, son you have arrived, sit we have things to discuss..You see that spell you put on yourself to affect your mate it's starting to fade away because you have not at least kiss her or anything. You just speak and that is it, but get a little physical I ain't saying to have sex with her but dam. Do I have to tell you everything." With her words I just nodded knowing this may have happen soon.

" I understand mom" I said to her

" A next thing, Queen Zari is looking for her daughter. I told your stupid self to send that girl back just reject her and send but no you want to keep her. Just erase her memories and state that you rejected her so when you send her back all she remember is that you rejected her and if they ask her the name of her mate. Say prince London. He is on the other side of the world." I nodded fully amused as how planned out my mother have this.

"Boy you better do that before that Queen of Queen come back because I'm telling you she will break my spell in two second with out even blinking" by that she walk away.

"Good bye mother" I said walking out her hut." Bye my son, make me proud by becoming the king of King I'm not using all these spell for you to fail terribly" with that I was completely out of her hut...

I'm feel a little stress and I need something to release this stress level of mine. From that thought I got an idea.

Let's go visit my little rejected mate.

Walking down the stairs I heard nothing but the other prisoners, shouting out crap at me.

Approaching her cell, she was to the far end, sitting on the floor with her knees to her chest. I unlocked the cell and walked in making sure to lock it back when I got in...

"What do you want" I heard her said 

"I want to release some stress and you are going to help" I said in a calm voice

"How am I going to help you do such distasteful thing." "That my rejected mate is easy"

With that I grab a full fist fill of her hair and drag her to my waist area. I undid my pants and let put boxer and pants drop to the floor.

With her eyes wide open she try to move away from me I was not having it. I forcefully push my manhood into her mouth. She realise she have no choice....

By the end of that blowjob I pulled up my pants and and pushed her back into the space she was in earlier.

Deciding to myself it's a good time to erase her memories of the past times and only allow her to remember what I want her to remember.

I whispered some Latin words and she fell completely on the floor. I lift her up and whisper some more words in Latin to transfer us to my room. Knowing Chan is not at home.

Just in time Moy woke up.

" Ohh, my head hurt.. hey Cardo did you enjoy the ball" she asked me.

I using my command spell

" Listen to me princess Moy, you are being rejected by London from ice place which is located on the other side of the earth" you were unconscious for three week due to you not feeling well. Do you understand my command" I said

"Yes master I understand ". With that I said another Latin spell to send her half way home so she could find her way back home.

Part 1 is finish many more to go.

I send a text to Chan around 9 in the night wondering where she is, no reply. Arg I'm tired not knowing where this girl is, so I call her beta and gimma.

When they arrive.

"Yes Cardo Sir, how may we help you" they said . " Have you see my mate" they both look at each other then answer "No we were off today " they said once more.

"So where is my dam mate" by my statement I plum down on the sofa. Flick that if she dead anyhow I may still be king of King. Might.

Few minutes later getting sick of both the Beta and Gimma walking around wondering where she is I took out my phone and played a game when I felt the air went thin. She is here.

"We were worried sick the two girls told her" she did not even seem bother but answered bluntly.
"Where have you been Chan"I ask

She reply that she was in school. With that she left and went upstairs....

Well I gave her one hour before I went up stairs when I reach I strip leaving me with only my boxers on and climb in bed with Chan.

Pulling her closer to me by the waist. I felt weird doing this but it will help Chan trust me more and physical as my mother said.

"Goodnight" I whisper

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