Chapter 14

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I'm currently getting dress, my redish dress goes very well with my Smokey eyes and my skin tone. Looking at the final product I was simple and I look amazing. Just wow.

I check the time and notices it's 7 on the dot,when I heard the front door open, I grab my purse and phone from the plug. Walking down the stairs I could hear Mai and Dawny talking to each other. At the button I saw that everyone attention was on me.

" Ready to go" I spoke breaking their trance. They all nodded. "Ahhh.. Chan you look amazing"Mai said smiling. "And you look absolutely beautiful and so do you Dawny" I could see them both blushing..How adorable.

In the limo all the guys spoke with each other while the girls spoke about random stuff.

"I honestly can't wait until you girls meet my two best friend"I said looking at them.They only smile and nodded.

"If you don't mind us asking Queen Chan who are your best friends" I heard Jay ask me.

"I smile towards him and reply "Princess Gem and Princess Pillz and my male best friend king to be Mond" a growl escaping Cardo..

Possessive much

Jay nodded and turned back to Aidan and Cardo.

"Oh and you may call me Chan since no one yet knows I'm alive you have to keep my profile on a low but I believe most people at this bash will most likely know I'm alive maybe I'm not sure as yet.  But keep it low thank you" they all nodded and resume to their conversation.

"We are here, driver can you please drop us in the parking lot not in front thank you" I said looking at the two nervous girls beside me.

"Breath girls breath I told them" sliding out the limo smoothing out my dress. "It's just a little party."

"Okay let's go" Dawny said hooking her arm with Jay. We all follow suit.

At the door the lady look at Mai strangely.

"What is your name?" she ask. I mind link the girls to give them their royal name now.

"I'm Beta Mai and this is Gimma Dawny and we are royal guards with out mates" the lady felt her power and bowed in respect. They proceeded inside and bowed to Cardo as well.

" Very good Mai you surely are getting use to that. I'm impressed" I told her. She smile at me then at her mate while he nodded in approval.

"Well guys have fun ,mingle not to much fun we girls are going to meet my friends" by that I drag the girls off.

Walking around speaking to Mai and Dawny was really fun.Got to know that they are both 22 years which is amazing. Now they are talking about the trip to the mall which was so much fun...

"CHANNNNNN ahhhh, hey best friend" I saw a crazy Gem running to me. I brace myself for the impact..

"Hey Gem, happy seeing you too, you Saw Mond or is he also late for his own birthday bash" I said asking her " hahaha, he is late like always, Anita told me he was dealing with trespassers" she said looking down on her phone.

"Oh, the usual then, anyhow I have two people I will love for you to meet." By that she is fully looking at me. "Gem I want you to meet my Beta Mai and my Gimma Dawny " they're both bowing to princess Gem "ohh my rise, you both are so pretty. Hi I'm a crazy witch but everyone call me princess Gem or Gem but you could call me Gem since you are so close to Chan." She smile at them.

They both nodded. "Do you guys have mates"they nodded and point to where their mates are currently standing talking to Pillz mate Prince Tai.

"Gem where Pillz, I'm seeing Tai but not Pillz." Oh she went to the car for her phone, talking about the devil look her coming through the door again" Gem said  point to the entry door.

"Channnn,ahhhh" Pillz said running to me.. Oh lordy another crazy person, waiting for the impact and here it come....

"Hey girl, I did not see when you came, Ohhhhh who are these lovely ladies..I'm in love with your dresses ladies where you got it." Pillz ask not noticing they are still bowing to her.

" Pillz how about you allow them to rise and just maybe, just maybe they will answer your question" I said laughing. " Ahhh I'm so sorry please rise" she said smiling bright.

"You are a vampire. I could smell it on you" Pillz said pointing at Dawny.
"Actually Ma'am my mate is a vampire I just have his scent" she said smiling at Pillz. "Lovely but who are you"Pillz again asked.

"Pillz this is my Beta Mai and Gimma Dawny" I said pointing to them. By the end of that Pillz hugged them both.

As I was about to speak when I notices Mond has arrived since everyone has gone quiet  and crowing around the stage.

" Welcome all and thank you for attention my birthday bash, I'm grateful that you took the time to attend my birth.... he did not finish cause he growled.😯

" We are about to find out who his mate going to be Pillz ahh" I said looking at her. She just nodded and smile.

MATE he said jumping from the stage and running to my direction..

It can't be me... When I notices he went around me and stand directly in front Gem. Pillz and myself shared a simpler look, both our expression was....Shock.

Gem is mate to Mond and Mond is Gem mate like this day is just oh my.

He held out his hand and she gladly accept it. Everyone clap and congratulate them.

"Wait Pillz that means Gem is a Queen and Mond is king now". She nodded Dam..

After everything the party start back. The night went on it was now 1 in the morning.

My Beta and Gimma both look like they are ready to turn in so am I, by that we head to the limo and was off home..

I'm honestly happy for Gem and Mond. They were close all the time and actually used to like each other so this was not a complete shock for them but for me it still was.....

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