chapter 5

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Chan pov

He literally woke me up 5 in the God dam morning to make him tea I allowed it that once and went to do it for him.

When it was 6 he asked for breakfast I said okay since I have to make for myself as well. When he was finished he told me I have to clean the whole house. Just guess right now what I'm doing.. that is right I'm taking a shower trying not to lost my mind and kill my own mate. He so think I'm submissive to him that it just boost his ego 100 times.

12 in the afternoon I'm yet to clean or cook lunch. He told me as the queen I'm sign to cook for everyone meaning all the unmated male wolves

Walking out the bath room I walked into the walking closet, my clothes has arrived. Looking through it I only saw long skirts and huge tee shirts. Taking in a huge breath just to calm my nerves.

Changing into a tee shirt and a jeans I saw, then I made my way down stairs. when I got to the bottom just guess what I saw,

You are right

The whole pack of unmated guys and their leader king Cardo sitting in the house. They saw me came in and just turn their head back.....

What the actual flick. Do they not know how to bow when they see their Queen. I had it up to here. Cardo I called out ,no respond. CARDO I screamed still no respond.

This man is looking for death, I said to myself. Walking over to him I told the others to leave, you know what happen they just sat there and blink their eyes at me like I'm talking to the dam wall.

Breathing out controlling my dam self. "Cardo Emanuel tell your unmated men to leave before I make them" I threaten

" You have no rights to speak to me like that woman, you are below me and all my men" he said with a huge smirk. Okay that is it powers off I said to myself I had to tell him sooner or later and I am guessing it way sooner than I though.

Stepping back I look at him and started to shake violently.

" Don't cause a problem just start to cook like a nice woman you are because we all are hungry . Do you agree boys?" all the wolf's howl in agreement.

He was about to speak again but I put my hand over his mouth still trying not to use my powers.

He remove my hand and walked around me and stop directly behind me then turned around and push me more into the kitchen.

" King Cardo Emanuel, I'm warning you" I said in a threatening voice with out my powers. He look at me and ask " You do know how to cook right" which made the whole room fell with laughter.

Oh nope, he just did not do that. " Why don't you come and show me how to, since you are acting as if you are perfect" my comment made the whole room quiet.

" You will show me respect Queen Chan"he said in his king tone. I had enough of this bull. When he saw I did not bow this time he arch his brow I could see how he was completely confused.

My powers are out now which made him bow his head at me.

" You will listen and listen well, I'm a princess, the daughter of King David and Queen Michelle you will show me respect mate or no mate. Because I'm a woman, you will not belittle me like I'm Shit on a pavement, do I make myself clear." I said with my full powers causing him to drop on his knees completely. " You may rise" I said to everyone including the king.

Everyone look at me in shock. " You may leave us I said in a normal voice. They did not think twice this time everyone was out in least than five seconds.

"This can't be, your father announced years ago that you have died. How is this?" He said in a powerful tone thinking his voice will have some kind if effect on me.

" You may stop trying to make me submit, it won't work on me not even after we mate completely. I will always be stronger in powers than you" I could feel inside what I said affected him a great deal. And to answer your question.

"My father king David did such so he could protect me and that I could have a normal life. When we are fully mated we have to move your whole kingdom to my kingdom for I will be the Queen of Queen and you will be the king of King but I will be the one in control of everything but I'm not so controlling. I'm equal which you are lacking to have in your kingdom." I said.

"How dear you tell me how my kingdom is being run" he said in a angry tone." You are treating women as if they are slave, speaking down on them as if they are Shit and you are telling me I'm speaking down unto your kingdom, oh king Cardo I'm warning you do not get me angry for you won't like it" with the powers in my voice the whole house shake I could of seen him swallow.

" I'm sorry my Queen I always thought it was the way to go, that women are hopeless compare to men."

"If women are so hopeless crap won't be done around here and what will you have done. Matter of fact how will you be born. Think of your action before you act on it" by that I walked upstairs. I was going to call Gem and see if she could meet me by my parents house to help me get some of my clothes I'm hating my new clothes.

When I call, she answered in a sleepy tone. " Girl it's 2 in the afternoon you can't be sleeping now" I said " Oh hush I was having a nap, what you need best friend." " Meet me at my parents house in 10mins bring Pillz I will explain everything.

"Okay" she then hang up
"That girl could sleep"I said laughing.

"Where are you going mate, you are not allowed to leave this compound" I heard cardo said when I turn to the door way where he was standing.

"You really think I am submissive to you , you don't notices my wolf don't get affect by nothing , not even the mate bond even if you feel it at its fullest. But anyhow I'm going to my parents house will you like to come or stay here where you can actually be able to control other" I question arching brow.

" I'm coming, we can take my car" he said. " actually I am not taking a car that will be to long of a car and I'm not able with that" with that said I walked up to him.....

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