chapter 32

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How dare your chupid daughter kill my nephew..... I said using more of my powers on the Queen. I could see she is drawing weaker . Her stands has change, her face look drawn it's my turn to finish this bxtch.

As I was now about to strike her with a strong dose of my powers little princess came by her... ahhh two for one I see.

"You may kill Cardo, but I'm telling you I'm not backing down."

"We are not afraid of you Wendell" with that mother and daughter join hands while Queen Jen and Queen Gem join in.

I was taking back when all of their eyes went a bright red... how could they know how to us the red magic so well.

My body was growing weak I can't feel nothing.. what are they doing...

Last thing I saw was a smile from the Kenny boy before I was knock out...

Chan pov

I connected my hands with my mother and she connected with Queen Jen and Gen came and connected with me and with that all our eyes went red.

I push all my powers into everyone I felt myself going weak my body started to shake inward not being able to take it no more..

Suddenly we saw Wendell drop

We drain all his powers. When he do wake back up, he will be nothing much than a human.

At the end of that my body drop, everything was a blur ... I heard talking but not clear enough for me to make out... My eyelids felt heavy..

Queen Michelle

"Take her to the infirmary now" I command. Kenny picked her up and Sprint to the direction.

Time to put a big stop to this none sense.

Speaking in Latin I rise my hands.

" You will all listen and obey. STOP what you all are doing and bow" saying in my Queen voice .

Everyone were frozen. My husband came up to me. "Where's Chan I felt her go into a shock mode" he said panicky.

"Palace hospital, she went through that for she shared all her powers with everyone she connected with to bring down and drain all wendell powers. She will be alright but I don't know when she will come out of the coma that she put herself into." I said looking at all the people around us still frozen.

"Only time will tell my love" he said hugging me.

" David she risked her life that could of kill her David" I broke down hugging him...

"We did trained her to put her kingdom first honey" he said smoothy.
"I know but she is still my baby. Okay how about we take care of this situation and go visit her and kenny"David said.. I nodded.

Most people think of me as the tough Queen ,I'm but she is my baby. My only child. I know Wendell will of come back some time to seek revenge on David killing his brother but won't think Chan will of been the one to protect the whole kingdom.

I breathing in ,reciprocating myself...

"What done is done"

After putting away the remaining rogue and making sure Wendell was secure in an isolated cell with Cardo mother Faithy. I made sure all was alright. Time to go now...

It's what's in my life that made me do What I have to do..

here I'm standing in front of this big building to see if my daughter is all right. Breathing in once again.

Entering into her hospital room I was greeted by a smiling Kenny and a laughing Chan.

I broke down once again...

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