chapter 15

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Gem pov

Oh my I'm getting my own part. Well hey everyone. Any how I guess you were wondering if I knew about Mond being my mate will let me answer this...

I did actually, when I was age 13 I did a spell to find out who was my mate before time. I was an anxious child and when I found out lets just say I was angry.

I could not of stand Mond, he was so annoying, was so pushy but as time passed by I grew to actually like him as a friend. Knowing that he is caring ,loving and rather protective. A man a woman will want.

So now as I'm standing in his birthday bash listening to him make his small speech I knew he must have smell me by now because lets just say I heard a growl that could of been heard a mile away.

As I saw him jump from the stage let just say I wanted to turn and run the hell away. Then I remembered I'm a princess and Queen to be I must stand my ground. As he approached me I could of melted when he extended his hands for me to take. Dam what a fine gentleman. With my acceptance, everyone cheered and the party began.

Let's just say I'm extremely excited and so are all my friends when they got over being shock.

Well it was nice speaking to you guys. Bye....

Mond POV

Dude I got a badass as my mate, who will of thought I will of gotten Gem as my mate. Let's me explain I always liked Gem but I was keeping myself for my mate and my mate alone.

Shit If I knew in advance GEM was mine, dam I will of made her mine a long long long time ago.

Her skin ,her body, her everything and she is now finally mine.

Take your eyes of her.... Laterz.


When I was told I was getting my piece I was shock. Not as shock as Gem and Mond being mate.

Let me explain when I was younger I always ship both of them in other words I always state they where going to be together. Whenever you Saw him you always see her and she was so there for him when his father pass away.

I'm truly happy for both of them. You can't believe I almost started to cry like crap... bye people.

Tai Pov

Really why do I have to speak about Mond and Gem being mate. We all knew this was going to take place. Just look at them, perfect for each other.

Just like my lovely mate and myself. Well I have nothing Much to say, bye.

Anita pov

I was not probably introduced here but I'm Princess Anita, I'm 18 and my older brother is Mond and he so happen to be mate with lovely Princess Gem.

I'm happy it's her and none of them stupid other females who just out for the title he carry. I know he will be the perfect mate to her and she will be perfect to him. You all will be meeting my mate Bari soon that if you haven't as yet. 😉

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