chapter 10

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I'm currently in the kitchen cooking spaghetti for myself.

Are you making for me I heard Cardo ask from behind me. I shook my head nope, then turn around to see him only two inches away from me.

Now taking in his face structure, his face is perfect, his lips are fully pink and plum. Oh I wanted to kill him one moment and jump him the other.

When I was cut out my thought I saw that he was no longer two inche but directly in front of me with his hands around my waist. " How about you be a nice mate and cook me a little something and I be the judge and see how it taste" and there he goes killing the moment. I know this boy not trying to seduce me into cooking for him in smart.

With that I pulled away from him and got my plate of food. Sitting down eating it directly in front of him causing him to storm out the kitchen. Leaving me with a smirk on my face.

Later That Day.

"Girl,are you going to Mond big birthday bash Monday night?" Pillz said. We are currently on the phone chatting about multiple things.

"Girl of course I'm going, he is my male best friend of course I will go to see him become the king of his kingdom and see who his mate will be. His sister Anita ask me who I thought will be his mate I shrugged. I honestly don't know I hope she is wonderful like he is" I said taking a deep breath

Before Pillz got a chance to reply I heard someone calling my name
" I will call you later, someone is calling me down stairs" I said and then hang up

"Princess Chan ,Chan, Chan" I heard constantly  like a broken recorded.
"Yes you call I said to a mister who look exactly like Cardo just a younger vision.

"Good day Ma'am, you are ask to attend the kingdom meeting and I'm here to get you" said the mister.

I nodded my head and walk out with him. We walked in silents until I broke it.

" Who are you ?" I ask still looking forward.
"I'm Prince Bari Emanuel, I'm the youngest for this is the reason why I'm not the king of this kingdom or for sure it will of run better Ma'am" he said smiling down at me.

"I guess you are for respecting everyone?" he nodded to my question.
"Ahh, we are here do find my brother and Queen Faithy. They will explain what is going to take place" with that he left.

Entering inside all heads turned to me, bowing their head in a sign of respect. I spoke " You may rise." I walk up to a lady she was wearing a rip up top and a brown dusty long skirt, I sigh in my head knowing if I have to get this kingdom on top the rules got to change.
"Excuse me"I said to the lady. She was shock and bowed her head once more. " look at me ,what is your name?" I spoke softly

"Sorry I can't speak to another woman you should know the rules my Queen. I don't want to be hurt" she said scared. With Authority in my voice I spoke once more.

" You will ignore the rules and speak to me, what is your name?" By that she drop on her knees. " I'm Mai Botlet, my Queen I'm sorry I'm scared my husband will punish me" she spoke with tears coming down her eyes. With that I knee down and hug her. " don't be scared he can't hurt you, if he do speak to me. Do you understand" she nodded.

"Can you point for me where Cardo  and Queen Faithy are in here". She pointed to the head table that seem to be crowed with a bunch of men. I turn back to her and said thank you.

While walking, I thought to myself, what punishment will her own husband do to her so badly to make her an emotional wreck. I could just feel her pain with my powers.

Arriving at the table, stopping directly in front Cardo. " You summoned me Cardo" he look up from whatever paper he have in front him and smile.
"Of course I did, we are having a meeting of me not being the king anymore so you got to explain it to them and don't worry the men will try not to attack you if you change any rules" with that he got up and walk to the stage.

Is it possible to start hating your own mate. I said to myself.🙄

"Good day all please listen up, we don't have whole day the women have to get back to the house to cook  and clean. So let me invite your new ruler for the time being." I preceded up the stairs to the stage.

"Good day to all" when I spoke lets just say no one really paid attention. Trying to ease their life here but nope  like they love being under control. I sigh to myself.

This will be a long hell of a meeting....

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