Chapter 20

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Rogues are attacking. This haven't happening in a while, last time this happen it was millions of them for the war years ago.

Teleporting back immediately... I
Was faced with everyone fighting. Hide my powers so no one could detect me. Jogging to the clearing hearing I saw both Male and female fighting off the rogues.

Seeing a little pup running away from a wolf that was about to tackle her... I Sprint in full speed and aim at the wolf with that I snap his neck before he gain any strength.

Crap that hurt I said. " are you good baby girl" I said to the pup

"Yes "she answer quietly. With that I pick her up. When I turn around I was greeted once again by a tall strapped man.

"Who are you" I said with out power in my voice.

"Ahhh Princess Chan, you thought you could keep your secret from everyone. Well I guess you are wrong. Let me introduce myself, my name is Wendell but all call me the king of the rogues. I'm here to tell you be prepare for it's coming"with that he turn around and walked back into the woods before I even got time to reply.

When he left all the rogues followed suite.

"What did he mean by prepare for it's coming" I said to myself.

"Everyone inside the pack house now " I said in my Queen voice.

" Is everyone okay" I ask when everyone settle down. They all look around nodding.

Where is Cardo and my Beta I asked but as I ask they walked in both looking awful.

"Speak ,what happen." I said walking to Cardo side looking at his injured arm." When I was coming back I saw him fighting with four werewolves, one of them attacked him from the back which cause them to get the upper hand. But before I could even reach, one wolf jam his claw in his arm which cause that" she said pointing her finger to his arm.

I nodded okay. "Get him to the infirmary".

"Everyone go home and get some rest. You all did absolutely great in defending your kingdom and I'm so proud of that. Making sure you and all the pups are all right please and have a nice rest" I ended my speech. They bow and exit out.

"Beta, to Cardo office when done" I mind link her.

"Yes Queen Chan".

After a while she came into the office. "Sit" I told her

"Did I do something she" said looking down. "Oh no Mai I'm just a little frustrated but copping with everything so far. Firstly it was my cousin being under a spell now rogues attacking that never happen for years now and warning me to prepare that some Shit is coming " I said breathing out.

"Wow, so are we like going to have a next war" Mai said. " Honestly Mai by the way the rogues king warned me it sound like it and by that we need to train even harder and I have to warn the other kingdom so by that I will have to form a business meeting about this attack with the other kingdoms." I want all training to be twice a day and I want all pups at least with an adult any Where they go outside the huts " I said getting up.

"Anything else you want to enforce" Mai ask looking at me.

" Right now, I want everyone prepare for anything that may come I'm not sure what to expect but it seem like I have to call in my parents to come back home earlier than expected but for now I will hold back on that. For it's only few days until they return. I'm going to type up an email and send it out tonight for all kingdom from north to south corridors". I said breathing in.

"Okay Chan if anything else you need me for please tell me, I'm willing to keep people safe" she said

" Great, you are a royal Beta anyhow so you have to be inform about these things but I need you to inform Dawny as well I'm going to Princess Pillz land.. I feel like something is going on." By that I exit out the room.

"Sorry you may leave Mai" I mind link.

"Pillz I'm coming by you now"i said.
"Great we need to talk now" she reply instantly.

Why everything seem like it's going insane all of a sudden...


" Open up" I said by the gate. When the gaurds saw it was me they opened....

"Princess Chan, Princess Pillz is located in the living room please follow me" the head vampire told me.

"Ahhh Chan you made it, great take a seat please" I can tell it's not princess Pillz speaking but her Vampire.

What is it with everyone other side taking over.

" Hello Marlon" I said to him. Yes Pillz Vamp is a male.

"Hello Princess, let's discuss this warning. You may ask how I know, well your Vampire had announce it to me already. Can I speak to her" I nodded and close my eyes.

"Marlon my friend" my vampire said with her bright gold eyes

" We have a trouble, there are vampires who are helping the witch ,shifters and the rogues werewolves with a grand war".

" Do continue"

"This war will be bigger than any war, my princess. This world is aiming specifically at the royal family to try to take the power in another word the throne. I need you to start back practicing your powers you need to come out of the hidng for everyone know you are alive. I don't know who send out the memo that you are alive but everyone know and they know you have gotten stronger. Witches are finding different spells to combine to take down the royal but they are having a challenge because of your mom. My Princess she is a strong woman but I know she won't be able to take them all down with out a army next to her. You have to get everyone to join which they will because the war will affect their kingdom especially the northern to the southern corridors they need to train even more because I'm telling you they are not strong enough. My princess this war is a life or death war and it's not going to be easy." With that said I took back control.

"Thank you Marlon for the information I was searching for". I said.

" Your most welcome. And be aware the one you like may not be the one who is suited for you and the one you don't trust may be the one for you". With that princess Pillz took back control.

" DAM we have a lot of Shit going on" Pillz said rubbing her eyes.

" Indeed girl indeed and it going to be a lot of work. But what do your Vampire mean by his last statement "

"Girl to be honest I have no clue but I for sure know don't trust everyone or tell out any information to anyone just so"Pillz said.

" That I understand. Anyhow bye girl. Take care and train hard here."I said.

"We sure will" by that she use her speed to walk somewhere in this huge house.

My life could never be simple always something to complicate crap.....

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