chapter 24

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It's Sunday and my Parents are coming back tomorrow. I'm currently repacking my clothes to go back home to the kingdom.

"Queen Chan are you ready to go" my Beta ask me. "Yes I'm coming ."

"This hotel was lovely while it lasted "I told Mai as we walk to the elevator.

"Sure was, I love their food and how the workers are just so friendly" she reply.

At the ground floor I saw Gem and Mond checking out of the hotel. "Well I see you both are leaving as well" I told them coming from behind.

"Yes girl, this hotel was nice an all but I miss my pet puppy" Gem said smiling while I looked at Mond lowly growling to himself.

" Ohh hush you possessive dog, you know you are my everything." she said kissing his cheek while he just smile.

"You two really need help on a serious level" I said they just laugh "Bye Chan see you tomorrow at your Parents house in the morning for their arrival"Gem said walking out the door.

Skipping ahead.

We finally reach home, it's evening time and the pack is in the clearing training for the second period of the day.

As we step foot into the back of the pack house all heads turned.

"Hi "Mai said waving weirdly. " they all smile and bowed at the both of us.
" How is everyone doing "I asked walking to the middle they all answered with a good. I nodded.

"Welcome back my Queen" CARDO said coming behind me. How was the meeting and the trip. "It was productive I brought a beach dress as well"

"I can't wait for you to try it on for me " he said kissing my cheek.

"Everyone you are dismiss, that's enough training for the day" he said dragging me inside up the stairs.


What I'm about to do may shock her and myself as well.

Dragging her up the stairs I got fed up and picked her up. I kick open the door and close it with my foot while proceeding to the bed.

"What are you going to do Cardo"

" I'm going to clam what is mine and only mine " with that her eyes darken.

Shit her wolf's coming out. This is about to be good.

I slowly lay her down while kissing her slowly until I heard her moan. I smirk to myself. Kissing going down her neck I reach her sweet spot I started to kiss it in a circular form which cause her to arch her back. I could actually feel myself getting hard towards her. Hey why not she may not be my real mate but I'm still a man.

Sliding my hand underneath her tank top I unhook her bra smoothly taking it off her then her tank top I took a moment to scan her body let's just use four words. Oh goddess have mercy.

Bringing my hand to her pants buck, her phone rang...

You got to be kidding me..

She reached across for it and answered. I used my hearing to hear her conversation.

"Hello "she said out of breath. I smirked.

"Hi princess please come home immediately thank you" sound like her father said.

They are back already. SHIT.

She jump off the bed and put back on everything. I just cleared my throat reminding her I was actually still here.

"Ahhh , sorry dad called he want me to come home to speak. We will continue later. Don't wait up bye" with that she vanished...

"Well their goes my plans now I will have to join my uncle and his craziness. Oh well"

I casually got up and decided to go warn my uncle that the King and Queen are back..

"UNCLE" I shouted.

"Welcome my nephew I see you are here to warn me that the King and Queen are back." He said coming out his big house.

"How did you know they have arrived."I ask confuse.
" Ah my nephew, long time ago before your grandfather died he had something call the red magic. It's stronger than the black and normal witch magic and now I have it well I found the spell and gain the ability. With my ability I could sense them." He said. I just nodded in amazement.

"Come in son, you will be stating here from now on until the day of the war." By that we entered the house.

"Mom why are you here." I ask
"Hello son, well your spell on your mate will be broken and by that they will come back for you if you go back by the pack house Cardo." She said.

"Wait, so Princess Chan will know everything?"

"Yes nephew" my uncle said. " We are safe here the kingdom here is projected by a shield. Outside of this kingdom for now I can't protect you"

"Uncle I understand please show me to my room I'm a bit tired"

"Follow me......."

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