chapter 4

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Princess Chan Pov

" Home Bob" I heard Cardo told the driver.

When i told him I was going to the wash room I actually mindlink my parents explaining to them everything,that I have found my mate but still haven't told him my true identity they were a bit mad but understood my point of view. They told me to be safe.

I also mind link my two best friends Pillz and Gem telling them to meet me by the north door. when they did I told them what was going on . They were happy but a bit shock because Pillz was telling me that in his kingdom the women have no say just like my cousins kingdom. I sigh really loudly when she told me. I knew I'm not going to keep up the submissive act for long and that is for sure.

Now we are an hour away from his kingdom,being driving for 6 hours but it did not felt like it to me because I was speaking to my friends on mindlink.

"Chan ,are you even listening to me" I looked across seeing that cardo seem a bit annoyed that I was not paying much attention to him.

" I'm sorry king Cardo I was thinking to myself" I lie once again. "About what" he asked arching a brow. I sighed to go with my act and said " Home." He nodded as if he understood.

" Well I was saying that when we reach home I will show you to our room" I nodded  " Also you may call me Cardo alone, after all you are my mate". He said grabbing my hand. I must say it felt nice touching him. He then look outside seeing that we are pulling up to a massive house not has big as my parents own of course but still massive.

"Ahh, we have arrived, welcome to your new home, Queen Chan" he said with a small smile.

I got out the car before anyone could opened the door for me. When I walked around to Cardo he was fuming. It has began I said to myself.

"Next time you shall wait until I open the door for you, you are a woman" he said in a powerful voice. I again bowed my head. I'm starting to get tired of this Shit.

"Come lets go inside before we cause a scene" by that he walked to the front door and opened it for me. I mumble a thank you.

"Since it's already late let me show you around quickly and you could take off that ridiculous outfit" he said

I bit down on my whole mouth just to stop myself for letting my powers out and saying something rude.

After the little tour of the house, we are approaching two big brown doors

"This is our room" by that the doors open and we walked in. It was absolutely beautiful. All white just like how my room was back home.

"The room is lovely" I said" Thank you the maids clean it everyday"

When he said that my eyes widen. Everyday that is madness.

"Well change, time for bed it's after 1 in the morning." I could not disagree with that, he gave me a t-shirt and a pants he told me tomorrow my new clothes will be coming. I just nodded.

" Good night Cardo" I said "Good night Chan, sleep well know that tomorrow you will have chores to do my little mate" by that I drifted off to sleep.

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