Chapter 23

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We all are heading to the meeting at the moment. It's located on the top floor.

Entering into the conference room all the kings and Queens of different kingdoms from northern to southern  are here.

All my friends walked in front of me to there seats.

"Welcome all, and thank you for coming"they all bowed "Do rise we have a serious topic to discuss today and we only have limited of time to do such"I said sitting down.

"Do tell us Princess about the rouge attack that took place in your kingdom." Queen Jen spoke(Gem mom"

"Ah glad you asked, when it took place the king of rogue spoke to me. He told me his name was Wendell and that he came to warn me about that I should prepare because it is coming.. At first I did not really take mind to it but of course I did some research and chatting with people who names I won't call but let's just say this war that is coming it's not coming like six years around ago, it's coming stronger , bigger and deathly. They are aiming to take down the royal family" by that everyone gasps.

"My princess we can't allow that to happen, the supernatural world will go crazy with out the highest." The king of the sea spoke.

"That I know and that I don't want happen. This war will be going through the southern side right along that coast to the northern side. There leader Wendell is a witch and rather strong but I do have a question."

"What is the question" king Mond said from the northern side.

" Queen Jen, what can you tell me about the witch Wendell and his powers they are not of normal witch magic but stronger and a lot more powerful"I said standing up to start to walk while everyone eyes were on me.

" My princess to answer that my witch will have to appear" she said bowing" Do such" reopening her eyes she spoke.

"My Princess, my name is Nay. To answer your question young one. Wendell is the son of Mitchell. Long time ago Mitchell form a spell to take down every royal that was alive, but his spell back fire when your mom was born her powers protected the nation before she even was able to walk. After that the spell went missing, this spell is what you will say not normal witch magic nor black magic, It's red magic. Red magic is worst than any magic it can drain live with just a snap of a finger if this magic get into the wrong hand lets just say with out you and your mom powers combine the red magic can't break and could affect any and everything." She said ending. I nodded.

" How can royal help if their blood of black and normal magic alone" Princess Pillz ask.

"That is where you are wrong. Chan and her mom have all the magic in them that can bring down the whole land but Chan only has yet to unlock it. To unlock such power you have to have inner peace and if you don't have inner peace and unlock it the powers will come out evil and only destroy anything".

"Thank you Nay you may bring back Queen Jen now "I said taking back my seat

"As you wish my Princess"with that her eyes came back to a settle brown.

"Thank you Queen Jen" I spoke. She nodded.

"You all heard the powers this man have within him. We have to train our kingdom even more, witches expand on your spells, Sea Lord's you have to upgrade your guards, vampires practices and the werewolves training have to increase" they all nodded in agreement.

"Any question on this topic" I ask

"Do you know when this war may happen?" Prince Tai ask.

"Honestly I'm not sure but I bet it will be soon and when we don't suspect it. So as a supernatural committee I advice to keep safe and have each other back. We are one even if we are not of the same kind. With that I shall end this meeting have a safe trip back home I know some are leaving tonight and some are tomorrow like myself." I said getting up once more.

They all follow suite.

"Beta Mai did you get an update on  the kingdom back home."I asked her
"Yes Ma'am, Gimma Dawny report that everything seem quiet but a bit to quiet but Cardo still training everyone "she said. I nodded "okay let's go back to the apartment and get some rest. I'm grateful that Mond and Tai people came and clean the room "

"Me too so we actually have  somewhereto sleep...."Mai said

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