chapter 8

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Cardo Pov

This is not going to plan. My father will be so disappointed if he knew our plan is not going through.

Let's just say I knew that my so call little mate was not actually dead so I had a witch do a spell on myself since they can't do it towards her, because it won't have a great effect.

To her I smell like her lovely mate where ever he is, but actually I have already found my mate,she is in the basement with the other prisoners.
My aim is to become the king of King and make all females bow down to male species. You see my mother is a lovely woman I'm not going to disagree with that but she always listened to my father but I want all women like that. But my main reason is pay back on the little princess. She may not know that her father kill my father in the war. I was a teenager and yet I could not fight in the war since my father told me I have to be the next king ,I was angry.

Flash back.

"Son know that I love you and when you become king, if anything is to happen to me seek Revenge on who ever killed me"my father told my 14 year old self.

"But father, I don't want you to die" I said looking at him

"Boy I have rise you to be a man not a baby, you are fit to be a king don't let any woman thinks they are above you, they are way below you" my father said looking into my eyes.

"Yes father"he pull me into a man hug then turn to his warriors and announced " Let the war begin."

End of flash back

Yes that's right my father was in charge of the war and little Chan does not know about it but I feel her friend Gem know by the way her witch came out.

I must keep them both away from each other it may be hard as hell for they are like sisters all three of them.

When the king told me I'm demoted I wanted to fight him but I'm not stupid, I know for sure if I did such even if I get on top of him that crazy Queen will have my neck in less than two seconds. I must hurry and mate with Chan before the spell breaks I only have two months until her birthday. When her birthday comes around she will be able to actually find her real mate and that will kill all my plans.

So I have to play like I'm submissive to them which I'm actually because of their powers, this going to be a bit harder than I thought.

I watched Chan walked inside, she seem as if she is in another world, must be mindlinking someone. When I was about to touch her shoulder a warrior tackle me. I grunt in pain while looking up it was the head graud when he saw me he bowed and stepped away. " Sorry Cardo I did not know it was you" he said

"It's king Cardo to you"I said in a tone but nothing happen. I tilt my head then face palm myself forgetting I have to earn back the king and Queen respect and learn to be equal.

"Sorry but the king said you are not a king anymore until further notices. My inward started to shake. That message went out already. My kingdom they won't bow to me again only my useless real mate. Who so happen to be a shifter I think her name is Tia no .......was it Mey...... no it was Moy. Worst yet she have a twin sister I can't tell them apart for nothing.

Being interrupted from my thought Chan appeared out of no where. "Time to go" she said

I cringed knowing that I have to listen to her orders.

Taking her hand into mine she teleported us to my kingdom.

When we arrived everyone was surrounding the pack house. Shit I think they got the memo

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