Chapter 22

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I was awoken by a knock on the door... Ever had the feel when someone wake you up you just feel to strangle them. Well that's me at the moment, since Mai seem like she's not Going to get it.

"I'm coming " I said loud enough.

Opening the door I was greeted with all my friends Mond, Gem, Tai and Pillz...

"Morning guys, why do you have to really wake me up so early" looking at the wall clock seeing it's only 7.

"Firstly you are a train Princess fighter  You are use to getting up early and secondly we came to get Mai and your self to go get breakfast" Gem said pushing pass me to go into Mai room.

" Gem I won't do that if I were yo..."Ahhhhhhhh. " To late". I said walking in the room while Mond dash in growling. Joy, so early.

Entering into the room I was face with Mai on top Gem strangling her. I inner laugh at the sight.

" Get off my mate before I rip your head off" Mond growl in a warning threat.

"I'm sorry Queen Gem I did not know it was you. You kinder scared me and I'm sorry King Mond for attacking your mate " Mai said getting off Gem and helping her up.

"When I tell you that you should not do such, listen Gem" I said.

"Heyy, how am I suppose to know she was going to go all Ape on me like a mad woman. Anyhow, Mond calm the heck down I'm not hurt and Mai, Chan go change so we all could get breakfast" she said rubbing Mond back to calm him.

Well since Pillz did not want to leave since she think we will fall back to sleep they all are in the sitting area watching television until I come out, cause Mai seem like she is ready.

I was on the phone with My Gamma who give me a brief run down of the kingdom and how it's going.

"I'm ready lets go" I said  they all just turn their head and got up. I really do have some weird friends.

"Finally" Tai said rushing to the door.

Pillz why is it he always hungry girl" Mond ask  " Boy I have no clue since we live together the maids just leave a pot of food for him " she said shrugging.

"What diner are we going exactly"Mai ask .

Everyone shrug. Again I have some weird friends.

Hour later.

We found a diner literally a block away from the hotel and there meals were amazing. I had pancakes with egg ,bacon and sausage with Apple juice.

Since Tai pay for everyone we are now walking around the town. Most stores are surprisingly open.

The boys decided to go back to the hotel and watch a movie again in my apartment since they took my keys....

"Lets go into that summer store"Mai point. "Yes, I need a new bathing suit and a beach dress for Easter coming" Gem said smiling.

"Ohh what happening in Easter" I said smiling at her.

"We will like to go Hawaii or at least Tobago" she said looking at her phone.

"That's amazing, so who Mond getting to look at your kingdom while you both go."

"Anita said she don't mind doing it for the two weeks" she said pulling opening the store door for all of us.

"Thank you "I said she nodded.

"Look at those beach dresses, we all should get one" Pillz said jumping. I swear if you don't know this girl you will think she on some kind of drugs...

We all brought one beach dress and one for Anita as well.. While Mai and Gem brought a bathing suit..

As we exited out the store. We heard someone said" Ahh look what we have here boys. It's the little princesses with just one guard with them. If only I was even wicked to just kill them here" we all turn instantly to notices it's Wendell and his rogues.

"Wendell leave us or I swear you are asking for a death wish" Pillz said flashing her Vampire eyes at Wendell.

He look at her with no fear and said in Latin " Tie below your  waist" I was shock. Not a next bloody witch. GEM heard and untie her immediately with a snap of a finger.

" Ahhh you son of a man I cast you back where you came from " with that he vanish. Gem was a strong witch but I know not strong enough. Where ever she sent him and his rogues back to they will be back by tomorrow or at least if they chose to come back.

"Pillz are you all right" Gem ask.. "Yes I'm but we see they are getting stronger like I told you Chan"Pillz said loud.

"Lets head back it's already 12 and the meeting for 3(15:00) but we need to tell the boys. What took place" I said walking off they all follow suit.

"I bet they sense something"Gem said

"Boys we are her....." I could not finish  my sentence.

" WHAT THE HELL HAPPEN TO MY BLOODY APARTMENT" I said walking to the boys who are currently shaking in fear.

Mond got up and bowed " We both felt the girls anger and we got angry as well which cause us to kinder mess up the apartment. But we called someone to fix it they will be here around 1(13:00). "He said

" Arggg, only you two will cause this amount of mess" I said rubbing my temple.

"Sorry" they both said. " It's Okay I understand the reason. By that, lets explain what took place. We were confronted with a little rouge king." ,

"He is here, where? let's go rip him up" Tai said making the place get cold with his powers.

"It won't be as easy as that, he is a strong witch like myself, all I could of done is send him back to where he came from a little more my spell won't of even work due to his shield he had on I don't know what magic other than witch and black magic he is using, but it's strong" Gem said walking to the kitchen.

"So you trying to tell me he is a hybrid , Tai asked " Gem just nodded.

"Queen Michelle is the only one who could really stop that power but she will need your help Chan because that magic they are using is not normal supernatural magic it is different I don't even have a word to explain it but strong."she said turning around.

"I summon Marlon" I said turning to Pillz. Everyone was shock by my order.

"Yes my princess. What do you want to know? " he said.

"Tell me what you know about the rogues leader" I said sitting on a stool.

"He is a powerful witch his brother died in the first war that ever happen and he have two nephew. I know one is evil but the other one is good. I can't place a name to neither of them but at all I know Ma'am" he said.

"Thank you Marlon, you may return Pillz please" I said.

With that Pillz eyes came back natural. "Well I guess we found out that he bring is a powerful witch and he have two nephew but who are his nephews" I said looking around

"We all have to wait and find out at the meet as see if any of the older one know" said Mai. We all nodded.

" Yes, my mom may know a little more about him "Gem said playing with Mond hair.

This war will surely be a big one....

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