chapter 12

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Well this is my opportunity to get closer to Chan, get to know her weakness and use it against her.

Let's see what little princess is keeping from everyone. Shall we.

" I shall come with you once it's burger king"

"Deal" I hear her said before she vanish.

Honestly won't get use to that vanishing crap.

Earlier this morning. (Jail cells)

"Well good morning my beautiful mate. I'm surprised no one try to contact you yet... oh wait they think you are with your mate.. which is technically true just they don't know I'm technically holding you hostage"

"How dear you weaken my powers, not being able to shift with all this silver around me. I can't wait until my aunt ,uncle and better yet my cousin Chan hear about this you son of a ...."

" Oh dear don't use those words and don't worry I'm taking good care of your pathetic cousin, she still have no clue what's going on. Well it seem it's time for me to go. Good bye mate"

"You fool, you will kill your self with out me" Moy said. "What a shame you don't know I'm a hybrid as well so my witch won't allow my wolf to feel the pain unlike you shifter and by the way. I,Cardo Emanuel reject you Moy whiskey as my mate... See you around, if you are still alive" I said laughing.


Currently I'm driving Chan and me to burger king. Honestly I'm hungry,I use all my energy from my witch not to feel the broken bond from rejecting my real mate.

"So Chan, I know you are trying to change things in my..I mean the kingdom, do you need help" I swear that pain me to say. If only she saw my face she will of known.

"Actually that will be great if you do have your men help me train the women and get them tougher" she said proudly. I felt like vomiting😈.

"As you wish my love" I said hiding my distasteful expression.

"Lovely"she said smiling and clapping

Arriving at the location, Chan got out before me. Oh great she did it flicking again.

Entering we went straight to the line, Chan order for me and herself after I told her what I wanted . After we walked around looking for a table finally found one literally next to the entry way 🙄.

We ate in quiet it was a bit weird but heck I don't give a Shit, but I broke it anyhow.
" So tell me about yourself, since the beginning we got off on the wrong path, let's start over"

She look up at me and smile. Must say I'm sorry for her real mate , she is not lady like at all at least she have a nice body and that's all i could say about her.

"Well I'm... huh.. this is harder than expected" she said

I laugh to myself, idiotic girl.

"What you like then"

"Oh that is simple, I love books and having fun.. What about you?"

"I like fitness and fighting" I said proudly. She just nodded.

I guess this will be simple after all she have the mind set we are actually mate so she will open up a lot faster. I still could tell she don't like opening up much. I wonder why.🤔

After three hours sitting down asking each other questions I got a whole lot from her and boy oh boy lets just say from a little girl she had to prepare to be Queen from since birth.


"I'm fit because at the age 6 I was trained, to fight at any war at anytime. At age 10 I was taught by my mother how to use my powers which I'm still not full capable in doing, at 14 I first shift when I did shift my family notices I have a wolf and a Witch so I'm hybrid and at the age of 15 plus I was taught about the history of everything both human and supernatural life until I started going college to study child psychology and expand my knowledge in something I love" I said to Cardo. I was happy that he wanted to start over showing to me that he is opening up his mind a little more but I'm not telling him everything thought,still don't fully trust him. I'm not going to tell him I have all the supernatural powers in me and all my weakness. Now if someone around hear me and use it against me. I bet you understand where I'm going with this.

"That is just, wow tremendous"cardo said with an amuse face. Thank the mood Goddess I'm dark so he can't see when I'm blushing .

"Well let's head back we all have training tomorrow." He said

"Oh tomorrow night we been invited to my friend king to be Mond birthday bash it's for 8 in the night" I told CARDO while walking to the car.

"Fine by me I will be free anyhow and ahh his kingdom is not far from ours which just be an hour or two drive " CARDO said..

I smile to myself that he said our kingdom, is it only me that felt love just now... I guess it was only me oh well.

"Thank you for coming with me today for lunch" "anything for you" by that he held my hand while he drive. I smile and look outside while we pass  the town into the forest once again.

Arriving home it's now 2 in the afternoon I decided to clean and wash since my things are dirty and I hate having maid do things for me...

Putting on music I began with everything...

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