Chapter 21

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Last night I sent out all the emails to different Kingdoms for an emergency meeting. I got a reply from every kingdom that this Friday is good, which is literally tomorrow. grateful since it's rather important.

Currently trying to get Cardo to leave me alone. He been asking to go the meeting tomorrow since he knew I was sending out emails. I wish I could of take him but he still does not have his title back as yet which make him a no rank but a warrior and witch.

I decided to take my Beta. Since she know everything so far that is going on and could really fight well now. The meeting will be held in Hilmon Hotel meeting room from 3(15:00)in the afternoon.

I must say after that little rouge attacked, Cardo been more possessive and protective over me. Today to go classes he came with me and yes I did teleport. He literally waited three hours outside until my class were finish. I'm not complaining to be honest... How could I.

"Cardo are you going to help me pack some clothes or sit there pouting like a puppy. I will be back Sunday evening you and Dawny have to hold down everything and make sure the patrols are doing their job since they like to take random breaks at weird times." I told him.

" I will only help you if you give me a kiss not to forget your beautiful self."

"Well it better you come get it" out of no where I felt him behind me.

"Don't tease me my dear, you will get punish". He said. I bit down on my lip, he was literally turning me on in so much ways but I know if we do anything now I will be late to reach Hilmon. Turning around instantly I kiss him causing him to take charge.

Pulling back I said" now help me pack I have to be on the road with Mai before 8 tonight and it's already 7:30. I at least want to reach before 2 in the morning."

" Well since you been good I will help" by that he grab my butt leading a Surprise reaction from me.


"BYE, Cardo and everyone..Take care of each other I said pulling off with my Beta.

Cardo Pov.

Ohhhhh good that bitch is finally gone. I started to act possessive.and protective over her after the small attack. Let just say I thought it was a tremendous idea to start after that to make it look realistic and that I truly cared.

Now she is gone and coming back Sunday evening . Give me enough time to talk to Wendell and see what he have going on in that evil head of his.

You all maybe wondering who is Wendell other than the rogue king . Well he is my father brother and he is even worst than my dad. Indeed my family have a little bit of problem. Just a little bit.

I'm currently walking in the woods heading to his hide out.

"Uncle Wendell" I said out loud cause all his rogue guards to come out of hiding.

" Stand down boys this right here is a true king and also my nephew. Hello my son how are you and your little plan going ?"

"Well uncle it's coming along. I see you still going along with yours getting vampires, witch and shifters to help you and the werewolves Rogues. Always knew you were a smart man" I said looking at him and his large kingdom. I'm shock anyone has yet to notices it in the middle of the woods.

"You do know her birthday is in March and we are going to start February already right " he said arching his brow.

" I'm aware uncle but at least this will be the back up plan if my plan don't go as followed"

"You are your father son and I know he will of been proud of you. Well go now before anyone see you helping me I can't afford to kill anyone right now trying to keep a low profile. Before you leave tell me about this meeting I heard that is going to take place in Hilmon Hotel."

"Well uncle, Princess Chan form it to warned people about the little attack You did at my kingdom to be aware"

"That little argf"he said

"Don't worry they don't know it's a huge war though which is a good thing but be prepared". I said smiling wide "Good bye uncle see you soon"

Back at the kingdom.

This attack will cause most people their life and it's also a trick . Especially if the Queen and Princess all join together.... shaking out that thought.

"Dawny is everyone home safe"

"Yes sir they are and my mate Jay is current running the patrols this night"she said looking back down at her paper work.

"Very well Dawny" I said heading outside.


It's after three in the morning the drive here was smooth but a lot of traffic. The hotel is extremely amazing Mai and me are sharing the same apartment but different rooms.

Entering in the hotel I saw a great amount of kingdom guards meaning it have their leaders here already.

Since the meeting in the afternoon Mai and me both decided to go into town to look around for fun mainly to kill time.

"Night Mai sleep well" I said.

"You too" she reply....

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