chapter 7

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This is not going to be good...

Looking at my mother and father, they are both steaming. My mother is literally shaking and my father is feeling her anger so he is shaking, knowing that someone is making his mate angry which anger him as well.

I don't know what to do, what my mate said did really came across disrespectful to another level and how my parents look like right now. Let's just say if looks could kill he will be you know dead a long time ago.

With out thinking I teleport everyone in the clearing area outside so we don't destroy the house. I lift Gem but she mind link me telling me that she is going home to tell her what taked place I laugh knowing that she want to help them beat the Shit out of my mate.

I was snapped out of my thought when I heard warriors coming. CRAP CRAP.

"How dare you challenge me " My mother said in a scary but shockingly calm voice." Oh son you are messing with the wrong Queen you may not know but with or with out my powers I will beat your ass"

That is when you know my mother is piss the hell off when she curse and her black side just somehow pop out.

"ENOUGH" my father said. " You are being reduced, you are no longer a king until  you learn to be equal, until you learn respect, until you show a real man ownership, do I make myself clear young man," my father said in an alpha voice.

Okay let me explain this to you guys. My mother is a hybrid she is part witch and part vampire. My father is a hybrid as well a werewolf and a Sea Lord. Which kinder make them the king and Queen because they are piece of everything join together which help them to control everyone and everything. With me of course I'm a hybrid but I'm all at once. Oh joy.

"How can you suspended my Kingship, how am I going to run my kingdom" my mate drop on his knees looking down in respect.

"Daughter I see you have not told him yet, but I understand why you have not as yet due to his idiotic behavior I won't of either" my mother spoke with disgust in her voice. Hence the reason no one get my mother angry

I already knew I told him but I remain quiet anyhow.

" What did she not tell me" cardo ask playing along or maybe confuse. while looking at me. " You have to move your kingdom here anyhow when you both mated anyhow because you will of been king of king and she will be Queen of Queen but I will advice you to hold back on the mating for I don't see you fit  to be king of king as yet you may not receive powers or anything but knowing that you could change rules will form problems" my father said in a calm voice.

Cardo just nodded. I shrug,he must of  understood and agreed. But one think I know I don't feel 100 percent towards him maybe because we are not mated....

After all that, I walked inside the guards bow slightly as my family walked back inside.

What a dam day....

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