chapter 29

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For training, expect for me walking around I practice some of the red magic with Kenny. He actually my motivation to do this with out giving up...

"Princess I think it's time for you to go by the Bari guy" he said in a plain voice.

" Oh, Okay let's go" journey through the town to where I think Bari live due to his scent. Approaching a medium size house, I reach to knock on the door but it open soon I raise my hand.

"Queen Chan, what brought you here today" Bari looked at me then Kenny in a suspicious way but invite us in any how.

"Let cut the chat can we, are you in with your brother and mother with all the things they are doing "I asked using my powers to bring him down.

"ARGG princess I swear to you I'm not into their evil war that they are forming on the kingdoms" he scream out in pain.

"How can I believe you." I said tightening the hold I have around his neck/throat. He struggle to breath, his face was turning about color .

"Princess you will kill him before you even get any information from him"Kenny commented casually like what I'm doing is a normal day to day activity.

I dropped my hold while Bari catch his breath.
" I am not in it because my mate will be affect by the war as well I can't let that happen to her and her kingdom so I don't want to be part of my uncle side but fight for the victory" he said getting up.

"Who is your mate " I asked looking at him.

"Follow me and see for yourself" he turned and went into what seems to be a kitchen.

I walked behind him with Kenny close behind me.

"Baby we have guests" Bari said stepping aside.

"ANITA"I said completely shock.

"Ahhhhh, hey Chan... Oh Chan this my mate Bari and Bari this my friend Chan. She is basically like a sister to be since as a child she was always in my house" she said rolling her eyes playfully.

"I know him, but you did not tell anyone you found a mate" I said going to sit down.

"Actually I did tell Mond and my parents but it's only recently I found out that his brother trying to take over the kingdoms and get the royalty throne. But I could tell you for sure he is not part of it or I will break his bones "she said sweetly at the end looking at him.

"Baby you love me to much to hurt me. Anyhow my Queen I you told everyone about the war but know that all the witches are learning the red magic spells. My brother and all try to get me to learn it I simply told him to not get me involve in his mess"

"Okay thank you for the information. Well that was all I really came here to ask you about. I will trust you just because I truly trust Anita and she just can't lie to save herself" I commented.

"You do know I'm right here" I nodded my head.

"Kenny lets go to my parents how now since I have training. Good bye Anita and Bari see you both around"

Parents house

Mom I'm here for training.

"Girl I told you 12 it's 12:30"she said coming out the kitchen.

"Sorry had business to handle" she just hum.

"We are going into the palaces indoor hall."we both teleport there together.

"Kenny if you like you could sit" she said."I'm good my Queen"

"As you wish sir" looking back to me.

"I heard from Kenny you mastered the shield on a whole kingdom" I nodded."great now we are going to learn to us a snap of a finger to do anything you wish in red magic"

Four whole hours later.

Great you got most of the fighting, the magic and the strength.

"Now I'm going to teach you the spell to drain a mind and body this spell is the only spell that could help win this war if you ask me personally. The Spell is in French not Latin like the others. It's hard because not all have the strength to do it and I know for sure only royal could so we have the upper hand but that if you could for sure be able to do it."

"Clear your mind ,breath in and picture that you want to take Kenny energy " my mom said pointing to Kenny who currently eating an Apple.

"When you do such I want you to give him a little air way before you actually kill him." I nodded while inhaling.

I did everything what my mom said but I could not connect with his mind.
I tried for the fourth time now.

"Breath my child and stop forcing your self"

As those words flow into me i got in control of his mind. I made him drop on the floor,I try to give him a air. "How do you disconnect"I ask my mom. "You have to think blank once more and he will get back his ability to breath" she said walking to him.

I disconnect and he laid completely on the floor where my mother snap her finger and he jump up.

"What the hell happen." He said trying to recuperate himself.

"I got through in draining your energy but not completely which cause you not to remember what just took place. That is just so awesome."

"Not for the person who being under it" he said mumbling the last part exiting the room. Leaving my mom and me laughing.

"I honestly like him"i said

"Of course you will"with that she walked out.

Wait wait wait. What did she mean by that... Not a next thing I have to solve.

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