chapter 16

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Training was successful, the male join us and I must say the women are getting way better. And truly are getting stronger.

I have decided to go visit my family then pop up at Mond and Gem place to personally congratulate them.

So I'm currently getting my bookbag for school since I completely forgot about it and it's Tuesday I have a 5 in the afternoon to 7 in the night class. So I do have time to journey around.

With that I teleport to my family house. Arriving I was greeted by my aunt Zari with a huge smile on her face. Aunty Zari is uncle Ronald wife and my mother sister, which is Moy and Nai mother.

"Hello aunty, haven't seen you in a while. What made you visit"

"Well child I'm a bit worried about my daughter Moy, she have gone off the face of the earth"

"Do explain aunty"I said confuse.

"Moy for the Grandball found her mate, I was happy for her truly were but I did not get to meet the young fella but she told me she was going back with him. You know." I nodded as for her to continue.

" I did not mind but she did mind link me once stating she reach I ask her where the pack located she did not reply back. I tried mindlinking her again no reply is like someone block all her powers and for Nai she is literally going crazy you know she can't really deal with out her sister connection and since she can't feel her sister bond anymore, well let's just say Nai is totally weak" she said ending her explanation.

" So you are here to ask my mother to track Moy down?" I ask her and she nodded "Yes but the only problem is both your mom and dad are on a business trip so I have to wait for a month until they come back "

"I wish I could help aunty Zari but I'm not as yet strong when it come to my witch side but I do advice you to keep trying. You could ask Gem mom if anything." I told her.

" Lovely niece I already asked her and she tried. She told me the only person to break whatever spell it is, is the Queen of Queen." I nodded as I understood where she was going with that.

"How is uncle keeping up with all this?" I question.

"He's actually just working himself to death trying to keep himself not to start a war looking for his daughter" I nodded knowing my uncle pretty well. He will surely do such for anyone he love.

"Well I have to go but I do hope we find Moy before anything terrible happen to her" with that I hug her and back away while teleporting to Gems and Mond.

" Honey I'm home" I said popping up.

Entering into the house all I could hear is some kind of noise, it was coming further down the hall. So I said why not and follow the noise.

Reaching to the room guess what I saw a half naked Gem and a completely naked Mond. So I did what any human will of done, I screamed.

Which cause Gem to scream and which cause Mond to get into a protective mode.

"MOND PUT ON SOME DAM CLOTHES" with that Gem snap her fingers and he was now wearing a boxer's I was completely grateful.

"I came here to say hi to my two best friends not see how babies are made." I said to them with a huge smile on my face.

"Hey Chan, how are you. I'm sorry you had to see that and why you ain't knock missy" Gem said walking to me with a smirk on her face.

"Just was popping in to see the best couple and tell you guys congrats since I did not get to see you both after we all found out who was Mond mate. So happy for you two weirdos" I said finishing up.

"Thank Chan means a lot come back tomorrow we will hang out then but for now I want to be with my mate" Mond told me.. " Well just tell me leave, jezz.. love Yuh and bye guys and try not to make any babies before age 25 please" with that I vanish and went straight to my class since it's minutes to 5 already....

9 O'clock

I got a message from Cardo where am I . I did not reply because I was now going to teleport home.

Soon I arrived first thing I saw and heard

My beta, oh my we thought something happen to you Chan. Don't scare us like that.
"Where have you been Chan" Cardo ask getting off the sofa.

"Relax people I was just in school" they all look at me and sigh in relief. Well expect Cardo he must be still mad that I did not tell him.

"Please just state a little thing, a little mindlink, a little note please and thank you Queen Chan" said Dawny.

"It's okay and you guys may go home now have a nice rest and see you early for training" with that I went upstairs leaving them. I was to tired to even bother with them at the moment.

After a shower, I changed and went straight to bed. When I was about to fall asleep I felt someone arm around my waist and pull me towards them. I know it was Cardo so I rest into his touch and fell asleep.

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