chapter 25

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What Cardo was about to do really had me thinking. Was I really ready for that step, was I ready to actually trust him fully. I did trust him to be honest but deep down I had a bad bad feeling.

"DAD I'm here" I said  " In the library"with that I teleport up there.

"Hi sweetie"my mom said " Hi mom, but not to be blunt or anything but how come you both came back a day early " I said walking In front of them.

"We got an email saying meeting from you so we wanted to know what this big meet was about that you had all the kingdoms come." My father said putting down his cup of coffee.

"Ahh Chan before you answer that I want you to meet your new head guard, he will be around you everyday and all the time. Kenny meet my daughter Princess Chan. Chan, Kenny is a hybrid as well, witch and Werewolves". My father said taking a sip from his cup.

"Hello Ma'am" Kenny said stepping forward.

I just nodded not trusting him.

"Can I speak about the email and why I had it now father". " Please do."

"Well my kingdom was attacked by rogues and their leader who called himself the king of rogues warned me about a war that will be coming. Which is the main reason I had the meeting in the first place to warn the other kingdoms. But this war is not a normal war."

"Please explain what you mean not a normal war"my mother voice got stronger

"Mama the king of rogues is Wendell and he have found his father old spell for the red magic"i said looking at my new guard.

"Red magic you said there. I can't take down red magic just so my child ,are you sure it's that. How do you know " My mom said getting up.

"Queen Jen(Gem mom) witch came out and spoke about the red magic that Wendell actually have it and with it he is stronger and a lot better than black and normal witch magic"i said.

"Ahhh this is terrible. I must train you some more Chan before this war. This world may lead to life or death and we surely don't want the death part." With that she snap her finger and a book appeared in front of her.

" This book you could use. I was young when I found it. It's a book for red magic and black combine it's the only thing that could actually stop red magic but need royal to join to stop it." She said handing me the spell book.

"I already know all the spells in the book and how to handle it. You have to control your energy with this magic and make sure you don't have hatred within you. If you do I'm sorry my child but I will have to kill you." She said serious.

"Kill me what?" Confusion was cleared in my voice.

" You are a strong royal and with that hatred you could kill everyone and everything with out even being aware of it" she said .I nodded.

"Oh mom did aunty contact you about breaking a spell on Moy".

"Yes she did and also told me everything that's going on. I'm going there right now"

"We all are going" said my father getting off his chair I just nod.

"I will meet you guys there" I said about to teleport'

"Chan are you forgetting something "My father said.

"Not that I'm aware of" I said looking around.

"Girl you better take Kenny with you before I tap some sense back into you "mother said

"Dont worry about me my Queen I could easily teleport after her since I could track good"he said proudly.

I really can't stand this man and I now meet him.

Aunt and uncle house

"Hey uncle Ronald where is Moy and Nai." I spoke

"Hello my niece who is this mister behind you". He said eyeing Kenny up and down.

" Uncle that my new body guard kinder, my father want him with me all day every day. Kenny meet king Ronald also my uncle"i said

"Good day sir" he said "I like you" my uncle said which was strange since my uncle hardly like anyone.

"Ahhhhh aunty,uncle and cousin Chan." My two hyper twins run towards us. I immediately move to the side and literally they just jump on Kenny. I could not hold in my laugh.

Kenny pick both of them up easily and put them down with out even grunting with pain. "Impressive" I said to myself

Kenny you could let go of  my nieces my mother said walking towards Moy.

With out any time my mother chanted few Latin words which cause Moy to faint. Kenny caught her before she hit the floor.

I guess she broke the spell...

"Mom who put the spell on her" I ask.

"My child it was Cardo"she said walking to Moy who was being hold up by Kenny.

"My mate" I said confuse. "They said it had to be at least her mate who put the spell on her"

"That is correct because Cardo was not your real mate. I broke that spell as well in the process .We shall wait for Moy to wake up to get the full truth and nothing but the truth to make sure I'm right" she said following uncle Ronald to Moy and Nai room.

This shit can't be happening to me . I had a fake ass mate and we almost had sex. Ohhh so happy we did not, I will of been even more piss off.

To late at night to be stress so much...

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