chapter 27

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Faithy Pov

You know that Queen broke the dam spell. Now the whole family know about Cardo. Well I know Wendell will surely get his way with the power he is holding right now.

Wendell Pov

I see the Queen of all have broken Faithy spell and I'm sure their lovely daughter must be told them of the war to that will be coming. They won't expect what I have plan.

Cardo Pov

There goes all my plans on becoming the king of king in that form but after the war I will be the prince of all my uncle promise me which I'm still grateful for I will still be powerful and not below anyone.

Chan Pov

The guards told me that Cardo was not there and it don't have no scent of him at all, meaning he with his uncle and his uncle Must be have up a spell somewhere.

I'm heading back to the kingdom I still won't disown the people. They did nothing wrong only Cardo and his mom. I wonder if his brother Bari is in on this as well. I shall pay him a invite Soon.

Teleporting into the pack house. "Beta and Gimma where are you both" I mind link them. "We are outside in the clearing area. Everyone decided to have a night picnic together ."Dawny said ending the link.

"Kenny let me show you to your room and you could meet me behind the pack. Please don't teleport, you will scare the pups" he nodded.

"Okay this will be your room, my room is literally opposite yours. You know where to find me" I said. Now walking back down stairs

"Hey everyone,hope you're enjoy the moon light picnic"they all just nodded.

"Can I sit here" I ask my Beta and her mate. "You sure can"Aidan answered looking at me.

"I swear it's still strange seeing you talking to me. I remember when I first came here no one liked me. Well expected the women, the men despise me on so much levels and you were one. Because I made Mai over here the head warrior but honestly she deserve it. Strong ,wise and surely brave."I said looking at Aidan.

"That is absolutely right but I open my mind, realizing I'm not treating my mate like how a mate is suppose to be treated and I was completely sorry for that"he said kissing her cheek.

After a while I heard growling....

Turning around I saw everyone made a circle around me ready to attack. Who I don't know. Mai and Aidan both jump up and put me behind them...

Well that sweet that they trying to protect me but at least let me see who they trying to protect me from.

"Chan tell your Warriors stand down before I get kill for just stepping on the grass please" Kenny mindlink.

Oh my, I completely forgot to tell everyone about Kenny.

"RELAX EVERYONE" I said Strongly .

"He is not of a threat. He is a royal top guard and was assigned to me by my father. Do welcome him and treat him with respect. thank you" with that they all rise even Kenny.

"HELLO ALL" his voice boom causing everyone else to bowed except my Beta and Gamma. I just face palm myself.

"Really Kenny you had to use your powerful voice." I said to him. He just  smile.

"Please rise, I'm sorry "he said walking to me.

Mai,Aidan meet Kenny and Kenny meet my Beta and her mate Aidan.

They shook hands and now we all are looking up at the stars.

Why could my life be this relaxing all the time....

Next morning.(training ground)

Walking around I see everyone have gotten great at all the fighting moves all the self defense and the witches are getting stronger with their spells even though they are learning by themself.
I'm happy with the results I'm seeing. I ordered Kenny to give my Beta and Gimma a hard training today. So I'm leaving the clearing area and walking a little into the woods where they are.


"Kenny I need at least a water break" I Said bending over with my hands on my knees trying to settle my  Breathing.

"Sure once you climb the tree within 4second you will be capable in getting some water" he said.

Argg I'm starting to hate this boy .With all my anger and frustration I bounces up the tree with a blink of an eye I was to the top.

"Not bad at all 2second you took to reach up there" Kenny said clapping.

"Oh Mai, I see he is teaching both you and Dawny to climb a tree in less than 4 seconds"I saw Chan appeared from behind a tree.

"Yes, which I did in two meaning I could have my water break, bye" I said jumping down running to the pack house with Dawny right behind me since she went before me in the climbing of the tree's.

Chan Pov

Seeing Mai jump down and Sprint to the pack house I just laugh a little.

"Chan, I did not know you trained like a top warrior" Kenny said walking towards me.

"Actually I had no choices all royalty must go through everything everyone go through when it came to training but at a younger age." I said.

"Impressive" Kenny said.

"Kenny tell me about yourself I know you were not a warrior all the time what so ever " I ask but he tense.

He sigh but answer still " I'm Prince Kenneth Richardson Smith. Son of King kareem and Queen Fe-fe and I'm from the eastern Werewolf kingdom." He said.

" Okay, why you trying to hide it up" I asked curiously.

"I'm not, I just came to look for my mate so she could be Queen but I end up coming across king Ronald and he love how I fight and hired me to become your personal guard"he ended

"Okay understandable, did you find your mate" I ask.

"Indeed I did but she is yet to know until next month" he said smiling.

"Why did you not tell her? Did she not smell you?"

"My princess I hide my smell from her and I don't want to tell her as yet until her birthday which so happen to be next month in March" he said walking off.

I take it as a sign to just end it there. I'm happy for him. So that touch of spark was actually nothing since he found his mate already. Hmmm.

Kenny wait up you walking to fast boy. I could hear him laugh....

"Ahh Princess Chan Richards long time I haven't spoken to you." Turning around I saw nothing nor could of sense anything to.

"Who are you and what are you"

"You forgot about me already baby" as the person walked  out from behind the tree's. It was....

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