chapter 2

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Looking at the ball gown dress I brought for myself for the Grand ball. I must say it's rather lovely. I know for sure if I find my mate he will be shock.

A knock on my door interrupted my thought. " You may enter" I said, a maid entered with her head bowed. " speak" I said getting annoyed " Ma'am, Queen Michelle will like to see you in her office" I nodded my head thanking her, while walking pass her to my mother office.

Knocking on the door to the office I could hear my mother loud and clear stating " You may enter my child."

" Yes mother you ask to speak to me". " Yes,take a seat Chan."

"You are aware that the ball is coming up Saturday which is tomorrow, I know you are planning on going because I saw you have brought a ball gown. Am I right" she said, I nodded in agreement. " Right you do know that I just want you to be safe but don't forget to use your powers If anything is to happen."

"No need to do such mother, the ball will be highly protected by millions of guards because of how much Kings and Queens with their children's will be going from all around the world, and their people who may join with them. I already told my friends I have to keep a low profile so they respect that and dad taught me how to keep my powers lock so no one could sense my powers and feel the royalty in me. No worries my mother" with that she smiled and got up walking around her table and came to me, hugging me with tears in her eyes.

"You my daughter are one brave, bold, attitude problem but a lovely child. Just can't lose you." With that she pulled away and walked to her desk again. " You may leave if you like"

Exiting out my mom's office I head to my room.


ARGG. It's after 5 and I'm now doing my hair for the ball. My hair is a curly dark brown, which reach on my shoulder. I decided to be simple and leave it open.

Putting on my blue dress it hugs my body lovely. I took my figure from my mother, curves all in the right places with an alright size butt. The color I choose made my dark skin pop. I went with light natural make up since I don't like it much and my face was not flawless but alright.

2hours later

Arriving at the Grand Ball I ask one of my guard to drop me. Walking down the path where there is a sign saying entry , as I walked to the door the lady at the door told me welcome I told her thank you but she stiffen a little. I was shock thinking it was me causing her to tense but when I look behind me it was my friend Mond walking in with his mom Queen Jen.

I turned and bowed my head. The queen was shock by my action but brush it off, must of remembered what I told he son earlier today when I text him. " rise" Mond said with power in his voice. I smileed up at him and turned and walked inside.

Inside was differently decorated to perfection. I looked around in amazement until I heard someone said Good evening on the microphone.

Walking where the crowd of people were, I saw it was my dad on the stage addressing everyone. When he spoke everyone stiffen and bowed, I had to pretend that his powers affected me too.. But everyone who knew me knew other wise.

"You may rise, thank you all for coming to the Grand Ball. This ball has been going on for 100 of years now and I for sure was grateful for it. But enough of that, to all enjoy and mingle, hope those who have yet to find their mate find them. May the ball begin." With that he exited off the stage leaving some clapping and others continued what they were doing.

Walking around I found princess Gem of the witches and princess Pillz of the vampires sitting down chatting with one another. When they saw me they got up,seem as they were going to bow but got back their senses and waved at me while coming to me.

Approaching them I started to bow but they hugged me before I could even complete my respect. I smiled at them. " Heyyy girls , where is your mate Pillz and Gem you sensing yours" ...

"Firstly Tai is with his two brothers and their mates talking about something, I got bored and hang with Gem" Pillz said " and for me with all the smells that are in this room I can't sense Shit" Gem said then cover her mouth when she realize what language she used.

We all laughed.

This smell took me by surprise, it was a mixture of pineapple and vanilla. I turn around and realize I was using my powers I pretend I to walk around for a while,but I kept my eyes open.

Walking to the drinks table I asked for a shot when a heavenly voice behind me told me ladies must not drink . I had already have the shot in my hand so I took the shot and then turn around. When I did such I saw it was king Cardo I look him directly in the eyes pretending I'm human not know that he is a king of wolf's on the EastWest kingdom. He is only 22 but his father pass away from the war that happen 8 years ago.

"Why did you not listen to me my little mate, you are mine and you must listen"he said coming closer to me. "I'm my own person, you may so happen to be my mate but you are not me" I said walking around him

"STOP", he said with a powerful tone. I pretend once again to freeze which cause others around me as well to freeze. " You think you could just walk away from me my love, you will submit to me and you will always listen to me" he said with a smirk. I wanted to laugh knowing he did not really affect me but I played it off.

After a time he told me to move, he pulled me out of the building. I wanted to give this man a peace of my mind but I held in everything.

" What is your name" he ask with authority in his voice. I lowered my head once again and answered, playing the part " I'm Chan West" not using my real last name. It affect me a little that I am lying to my mate but I can't tell him yet well not in the open. He looked into my face as if he could tell I'm lying.

" You are coming home with me tonight, I must show my kingdom their new queen". He said
Shit why things always have to be so complicated. I can't tell him as yet .

" I will have to go home and get some stuff" I said in a shy voice. " none sense, we will buy you new outfits anyhow. You can't wear any and everything in my kingdom."

"We shall leave now."He said.

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