chapter 19

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"Beta Mai I'm going to my cousin please take charge of the pack. If anything please contact me." I mindlink my Beta

"No problem, Queen Chan. Please be safe. I'm going to train the pups now so good bye Ma'am.

With that I gather my energy and teleport to my cousins home.

"Aunty Zari and uncle Ronald any one home"i said out loud.

We are in the back I heard my uncle said out loud.

"Hey family, what are you doing. I'm just passing through and where the twins it's them I really came to see"

Hello my beautiful niece and the twins are in their room watch a movie but first I want you to listen to me" my aunt said

"So when Moy came back she told us she found her mate, that he rejected her  and he was from ice place. So your uncle over there did not believe anything she said and went and did some research. When he got info, look what we saw"

Walking to the computer stand, I read the information that was on the screen. My eyes widen in shock.

" Prince London the third was kill by a strange magical force last night " I said reading out. " How is that possible, when Moy only reach back really early this morning. Did you think she kill him" I ask them curiously

"Actually we did not because Moy is to nice to even kill a bug. But what I know for sure what ever happen someone did something to Moy to make her forget everything because we quizzes her to see if she saw anything before she left,she keep telling us that she can't remember. Which if you ask me is rather strange. But we have to wait until your mom reach back to deal with this matter she's the only person with enough powers to break whatever spell in general both Moy and the ice place kingdom." My uncle said while taking a deep breath.

Nodding in agreement.
" What I will do is when I hug her I will see if someone put magic on her. That I could tell, but other than that my mother will be the best person to break any magic."I said

"Great, if you do such we will at least know something going on."uncle said getting up.

"Well I'm going to the twins room" bye aunty and uncle.

"Bye darling" they said.

Walking down the hall I let my powers out to sense anything on Moy.

Approaching the twins room the door was wide open so I just walked in.

"Hey Moy and Nai" I said. But I got no reply. Walking further into the room I saw they are bowing.

Rolling my eyes forgetting they are not of really royalty blood. "Please rise" with that they jump up tackling me in a hug. "Argggg, I miss you too" I said rubbing my back.

I hugged Nai first I could sense that she is worried. Going to hug Moy she tense, I pull her into me. She relax with my touch. Hugging her I sense everything.She is under a spell, but who did it?

" So girls I was just passing through but keep safe if any trouble you know how to contact me. I will come for you guys a time and we shall go shopping since your father won't let you girls  leave by your self"i said looking at them nodding to me.

"Bye" I said waving.

Teleporting to my parents home.

Arriving home I  was greeted by the guards.

"Good day everyone"I said in a stern tone. "Good day Princess Chan" they greeted back.

Quickly walking up stairs heading to the library, I mind link Gem to come here immediately.

5minutes later I got a knock on the library door. "Come in Gem"

"HEY, what the problem I was now going to school" she said dropping on a chair.

"Sorry to bother you girl, but you remembered I told you everything about Moy and her being rejected" she nodded for me to continue. "Well my uncle and aunt think she was put under a spell to forget everything that happen. So I use a little of my powers to see if she had a spell on her. Which she totally did and let me tell you this spell was not a normal spell. Who ever did this spell is rather powerful and deal with not only witch magic but dark magic as well." By that Gem eyes went a purple since she is a princess of witch's her eyes and mine are purple color when our witch comes out. "Hello Princess Chan, I'm Bella I hope you remember me." Gem witch said.

"I am here to speak about the magic you speak of. The magic you speak off is a old Latin spell that could even form a block that the Queen of Queen may not even be able to break with out your help.Then again she could break it as well once. The spell could only be made up by love and pain." she said.

"What you mean by love and pain" I said

"That my princess is simple, stating that who ever put that spell on your cousin was a lover of her but hate her all that once."

"But how that could be, the person who was her mate was kill by a magic force" I said

" I don't know, sometimes magic last even if the individual has died but could also mean that everything is a set up. Meaning that who ever put the spell on her was her true mate and he or she is not really dead and planned it out like this."

"Thank you Bella, you may bring back Gem please"

"As you wish Princess Chan" with that Gem eyes came back to a natural brown.

"Thank you Gem,that truly help a lot"

"No problem girl,not to end this so fast I have class so bye" she said vanish.

As I was now about to get up I got a mindlink.. "Chan we are being attack by rogues....."My Beta scream.


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