chapter 13

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Come on ladies push...

Mai kick, punch ,kick and punch

Dawny kick, jump ,kick and jump

I walked back to the under 13 women." Come on get up,it's not break as yet. You have 30 more push up to do  and one mile run. Now everyone up."

With that they got up and began pushing again..

"know that by tomorrow you will be sore and yet you still have training as well" I told them all, both pups right up to adult warriors.

" Oh and tomorrow you are meeting me in the gym we are going to work on toning up😈"

Looking around at them ,good to see them wearing comfortable clothes to training and not skirt or baggy jeans. I sigh in happiness.

After dismissing the warriors, I stop my Beta and Gimma.
"You and your mates will be coming with Cardo and me. We will be attending king to be Mond birthday bash. Please wear something nice but if you don't have anything please come with me right now so we could go shopping." With that they both jump up and down like two little children.

"We will go shopping with you but we have to mind link our husbands first" Dawny said talking for both of them.

"Awesome let's go inside and change into something better for the mall. Shall we" they both nodded.

Inside we were already to go before I stop them.

"Before we leave, I want to teach you how to hide your smell" they looked a bit confuse.

" Sorry, As I made you my Beta and Gimma yesterday you are automatically royal guards I bet when you were announce you felt like powers were given" they nodded "well it's somewhat so, you have power in your voice Beta to make a man stand down and you Gimma have power to freeze them from moving. But with that it give off a smell which I don't want because with your smell other supernatural will know you are with a royal protecting them and I'm suppose to be you know... dead to others "

They soon understand and listen to me explaining how to block their scent.

" You have to breath in and think inside that you are blocking out all powers within you it's like mindlinking and how you block someone out your mind just like that just picture blocking them out from your smell" by that they did it and got it within their first try.

"Awesome,that was easy" they both nodded and smile happily at each other.

"Let's go ladies"i said locking my arms with theirs, teleporting use to the back of the mall where no one normally be.

"That was amazing, like the way we were just at the pack house to here in just one minute like omg" Mai said in excitement.

Entering the mall the both women was in amazement. I laugh to myself. Well I know now where I'm taking the other women for a trip. I grab their hands and drag them to a dress store.

Hello good day, do you need some help a nice older lady ask with a hanger in her hand.

"Hi, good afternoon yes we do need some help. We are looking for three elegant dresses but not like a ball gown. Do you have any in mind"
"Ahhh come this way let me show you my new arrivals "

We all nodded and walk behind her.
Moment later Dawny found a lovely dress for herself that took her body lovely  and soon after Mai found a dress for herself that just suited her. Now it's my turned saying to myself. Looking through the racks of clothes I notices a lovely dress I pulled it out and smile.. This is the dress. Everyone around me nodded with approval.

After I brought the dresses, we went to few other stores got undergarments and other stuff for the ladies and now we are at the back of the mall going to teleport back home.

Ladies ready to go I ask them. They nodded and held my hand with a blink of an eye we were back in the pack house.

"Oh my I won't never get use to that" they both said.

We heard someone cleared their throat causing us to turned around immediately.

"Where were you girls "asked all three men that were in front us, including Cardo...

I thought you both told your mates I mind link my Beta and Gimma they look at me then reply" we are sorry we knew they won't allow us". " It's okay let's handle these boys and don't submit you are powerful don't be afraid of putting your foot down" I said in a stern voice.

" Hey boys, we went shopping problem?" I said tilting my head.

"Mai you know you can't go anywhere with out me not knowing ,with the Queen or not. You are not allowed to leave the house ever only to go your stupid training and back in the house do I make myself clear" the dude said.

"Listen here Aidan I'm sick and tired of you controlling me like I'm not smart enough. I'm sick and tired of you powering over me, yes you may be my mate but I'm not no Dam pup do leave me be and shut up" she said in a angry tone which cause all three men to bow. She look at me with a shock expression.

"Honey I told you, you are a Beta royal guard this will happen when you let out your powers and strength into it. Just tell them rise."

She nodded "You may rise" she said.

Aidan look at his mate with completely otter shock. "You are a  Beta royal guard" he said submitting to her power.

"Yes now let's go home so we could get ready for tonight, before you ask I will explain everything on the way home" with that they left. I just shrugged.

"And Jay don't even start. You know I will fight you down" with that he just nodded and they left immediately after. I mindlink them 7pm to be by the pack house.

"Well I see your girls are coming out their shell" Cardo said turning his back to walk upstairs. " Indeed they are and I'm proud. They are also good fighters just a little more practice I bet they could beat your male Beta n Gimma"

With that he growl and stormed upstairs, I burst out laughing real loud when I saw him disappear down the hall. When I turned to go in the kitchen guess who was behind me.. You guess right Queen Faithy.

"Hello Queen Faithy how may I help you"... You need to be more nicer to your mate he is trying real hard to change for you and you are just laughing at him. If I had you as a mate I will.. will" "You will what"... "I will of rejected you"

Reject me... When she said those words, it had me thinking, had me wondering if I was actually being a good mate. If I'm actually not one sided in a sense. But I have a great feeling I'm doing the right thing so by that I just shrugged and walked away.

"I'm a lovely mate, but your son does not listen to anyone but himself or if it's a mate, he should of been gay then" I said

"How dare you speak of my son like that" with that she spoke in Latin "I'm warning you child better watch it before something happen to you" then she vanish.

Oh hell nah, nope she just did not threaten me. I must be looked like a donkey had to be..

With that I got my glass of water and made my way to the bedroom to get some rest....

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