chapter 18

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"Mom, dad and Nai I'm home".. I said entering my house. With in two seconds I was tackled to the floor.

"Arggf that hurt Nai. Please get off me" I said to my twin.

"Sorry I'm missed you, honest I thought something bad had happen to you and we lost you for good" she said hugging me

"My Duaghter is that you" I heard both my parents coming from the kitchen.

" Yes it's me"i spoke

"Oh my gosh, it's really you. Moy you have hella lot of explaining to do. And I want to start by why the hell no one could not of mind link you or tell that you were actually alive." My mother ask me seriously.

" I was unconscious for three week. Reason I'm not really sure. I'm back because I was also rejected by my mate who is London he is located in ice Place. I believe that on the other side of the world but he sent me back here. So here I'm, still trying to stable myself from the rejection" I said ending. "Oh my child we are here for you and I must Say you are strong" my mother said. My father don't seem as if he brought that excuses but to me it's the truth. He hug me anyway and welcome me back home.

But my sister on the other hand was having a break down for me.

Ahhh good to be back home where I know I'm loved.


I'm current in my  wolf form showing How to fight in it. All the warriors look on and took notes.. I have allowed some women to join college outside of the kingdom. The men agree and are now opening up to the ideas I'm giving out.

Some guys an all are joining the local college for business and some women are going into medical so they could increase the pack medical hospital.

Now everyone has shift into their werewolves and some who are witch are with Queen faithy learning how to speak Latin into telling the spells .

I am so proud seeing how far the pack has become. Walking back to my pups to see how they are going I got a phone call.

"Hello good morning" I said on the phone.

"Hi, Chan this aunty Zari just calling to tell you I finally got on to Moy and now she is back home. Poor child was rejected by her mate. How sad."

"Oh my, is she alright? and I'm glad that she is back home. I know you all will look after her"I said a little concern

" Oh my niece she moving happy but inside I could see it is not 100 percent alright. But of course I'm not going to tell her anything about that. Jus leave her to be happy if she truly is. But anyhow Chan I will speak to you some other time bye love"

"Bye aunty, tell everyone I said hi and I love them. Take care" with that we hang up.

Why did Moy had to go through that, she is so soft and loveable. Argg she will get back to her proper state of mind. I will pay them a visit late.

After training.

Walking out the bathroom to put on my undergarments. When the door open revealing a sweaty Cardo nothing but a pants on. Staring at his body seeing how define his abs are and his V-line.

"Take a picture is surely will last longer" I was cut out of my thought by his comment.

I turned my head and went into the closet. When I got my outfit I turned around to see Cardo right behind me.

When I was about to protest, he pin me against the wall in less than 3 second. His eyes from a natural blue are now a pitch black, knowing that his wolf is taking control. This horny dog. I smile to myself.

"Cardo what you doing " I said teasingly.

"Oh baby, I'm not Cardo I'm Viper and I just wanted to see lovely Princess Chan " he said in a seductive way.

Before I could even reply he kiss me. The kiss did not felt passionate one bit but I still kiss back. We fought for dominant and let's say that battle will of continue cause no body was wining. After some time we pull back, catching out breaths.

Looking back up at Cardo,his eyes turn back meaning his wolf was gone. I just shook my head and watch him smile down at me then turned and left to go into the bathroom.

I sigh and picture our little episode in my head. It was not bad at all, no it was not my first kiss but I hope it was not my last.

In the kitchen I decided to cook for both Cardo and myself since I was in a good mood.

Cooking something simple. Potato pie with chicken. When I was finish I call Cardo.

"CARDO EMANUEL" I said out loud.

He came walking down the stairs with a towel on his head drying  off.

"You call my love" I nodded "I made food and it's on the table" I said dragging him to the kitchen.

"Ease down baby, the food not going any where"he said laughing "Sorry just want you to taste my food" I said shyly.

"Oh you want me to be the judge,sure can do"he said smiling happily.

After the meal, Cardo told me it was absolutely delicious and asked me to show him how I made it. I Simply told him a next time I will show him.

Time to visit my cousins...

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