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"Lucky!" Kelly yelled at me and I just laugh.

"Why am I the lucky one?" I say while we penny board down the board walk. She stops and looks at me.

"Because first of all you're Joe fricken Dallas, Cameron fricken Dallas' little sister, and-"

"It's actually Joe Rose Dallas." I say and she hits me.

"As I was saying and you can meet the fucking Magcon boys!" She screams and I hit her, "Sorry forgot you don't like cursing." I smile and ride on my penny board again. She soon catches up to me and grabs me by my flowered tank. I slow down and she soon catches up to me.

"I can't meet the Magcon boys, Cameron doesn't want me to." I say and stop. She looks at me.

"Why?!" She screams and I cover her mouth with my hand as pretty much all of Florida could of heard her. (A/N I know Cameron doesn't live in Florida but can we just go with it?? Thanks)

"Because, he's my older brother, you know Jack would do the same to you." I say and she nods her head.

"True," I laugh and then my phone dings. I look at it.

From: CammieBoo

Dinners almost done, you have to be at the house by 6:30... Sooo 15 mins. HURRY UP!!!

I lock my phone, "Gotta go eat. You coming or nah?" I say and she laughs.

"Nah, mom wants be home tonight." She laughs and I just nod.

"Okay, well gotta go home or I'm getting yelled at." I say and put down my penny board.

"Okay," Kelly says and I start off to the way of my house, "Text me when your done!" She screams.

"Kay bae!" I scream back and give myself another boost.

Like 10 minutes later I arrive at my house. I pick up my board and run throw the front door, "Joe!" I hear Cameron yell.

"I'll be down in two minutes," I scream and run up the spiral stairs. I run into my room and lean my board on the edge of my desk. I throw my brown hair up in a pony tail and I fix my high waisted shorts. I pick up my phone and see a text from Kelly.

From: Kellz

Whats for dinner at yours?

I stick my head out my door, "Cam! What's for dinner?!"

"Tacos!" He screams and I stick my head back in the room.

To: Kellz


I send it and go in the bathroom and fix my pony. My phone dings and I look at it.

From: Kellz

Urgg, meat! I'll stay for pasta but thanks bae:*

I laugh and type back.

To: Kellz

Kay bae:*

I put my phone on my desk and run out my room. I slide down my railing and when I get to the end I hop off. I run into the kitchen and hop in front of the fridge, I open it and grab a coke. I run into the dinning room.

"Joe," Cameron says and I look at him across the table from me.

"Yeah?" I say grabbing a taco shell.

"My friends are coming over today," I just nod my head and fill my taco shell with meat and all the good stuff, "but these are the friends you never met before." I just nod my head again, "This is going to be your first time meeting them."

"Why are you making it such a big deal out
of it? I get it I never met them before, I'll meet them today." I say and take a bite out of my taco.

"Joe you don't get what I'm saying do you?" I put down my food and take a sip of my coke, "I don't want you meeting them."

"Why?" I ask a little annoyed.

"Because," he says finishing up his taco and pushing out his chair, "I just don't want you to." He walks into the kitchen and I follow with my now empty plate.

"Why? It's stupid! They're just like your other friends!" I say and he looks at me.

"That's the reason why Joe," he rinses off his plate and puts it in the dish washer, "what are my friends like?" I think for a second as I rinse my plate under the warm water.

"They're horny teenage boys." I say and place my dish in the dishwasher.

"Exactly." He says with a laugh, grabbing containers, "You're 16 Joe-"

"And you're 19 Cam, good thing we cleared that up." I say putting the taco meat in containers.

"Ha ha ha very funny, but can you just see if you can stay at Kelly's or you can just stay in your room?" He says and I think.

"Well it's a Tuesday so Kelly's with her dad so I can't." I say and sigh, "I guess I can stay in my room, but if I get hungry I'm coming down stairs." I say and he just nods his head.

"Okay, and dad's coming home like 4 in the morning." He says and I just nod my head, our mom died when I was 6 and he was 9. It was hard, but she had cancer so there was really nothing we could do.

"Okay," I say and finish up with the food. I put it in the fridge. I start to wipe off the table when the door dings.

"Joe! Don't get the door!" He screams and I just laugh.

"Do get the door!?" I scream back walking to the door.

"URG! Fine get it! But then you have to go straight up stairs!" He screams from his room.

"But I have to finish cleaning!" I scream back knowing I'm getting on his nerves. I put my hand on the door nob and face the stairs.

"Fine then you go up!"

"Okay!" I scream back and slowly open the door. It's all the way open and I see 6 boys standing in front of me all laughing. They all look at me then shut up. Four of them their mouths hanging open just a little.

"Hey!" I hear Cameron scream and I turn in the direction of his voice. He's sliding down the banister, he hops next to me and drapes his arm around my shoulder, "Matt, Nash, Carter, Brent, Jack, and Hayes this is my little sister. Joe Dallas." He says eyeing there every movement. One of them gulps and sticks out his hand.

"Jack, Jack Gilinsky." I smile and shake his hand. Saying a simple two letter word.


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