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I walked home with Kelly and Nicole with me, "So Joe, what's with you and Jack?" Nicole asks nudging my shoulder. I look at her, then at Kelly who seems interested in the topic.

"Nothing," I say and check my phone.

"Then why did Talia want you to back off him?" Kelly asks and winks at me, I sigh.

"I still like him, but I don't know, we all know what happened last time, and the bullying only stopped a little. If Talia wants him she can have him, I still like him but it's whatever," I say as we walk up to my drive way.

"I got you, anyway it seemed like you were getting pretty comfy with the other Jack last night," I roll my eyes and take out my keys. I unlock my door, we walk in, and head to the kitchen.

"You mean fucking Jack Gilinsky?!" Nicole screams and I throw a soda at her.

"Tap the top first," I say and open mine, "and yes him, Cameron had them all here last night. We watched The Purge and it was scary..." I say and Nicole winks at me.

"Mhm.... Scary alright," Kelly says and I look at her.

"You shouldn't he saying anything," I say narrowing my eyes, "you were cuddling Matt," her eyes widen and she shoots her head at Nicole.

"FUCKING MATHEW ESPINOSA!" Nicole screams and I hit her.

"No cursing," I say, and she rolls her eyes, "and yes him," I say as I put a pot of water on the stove. Nicole's about to say something when 4 boys come running into the kitchen. My eyes widen as the four boys start shooting Nurfs at me. I scream bloody murder, Cameron, Jack G, Jack J, Hayes, and Matt stop and look at me, eyes wide.

"Holy shit girl, why'd you scream?" Jack J asks and I shot him a look.

"I am trying to cook Mac&Cheese and you buttholes are shooting me," I say and Nash comes in.

"I want Mac&Cheese," Nash says, Carter walks in and he looks up from his phone, Brent close behind.

"I want some fucking Mac&Cheese," he says and I take the gun from Hayes and shoot Carter in the face, "What the fuck was that for?!" He screams and I shoot him again.

"She doesn't like cursing," Cameron says laughing and I look at Nicole. She seems starstruck by the 8 boys in front of us. I take the gun and shoot her in the face.

"Nicole snap out of it, it's not like they're Jason freaking Derulo," I say and they all look at Nicole, who's cheeks are now red.

"Hey Nicole," Cameron says and Nicole waves to him. She had a crush on him for so long. She's not our age, she's only 17, just one year older then us.

"Guys this is Nicole," I say to the 8 boys standing in front of us, "Nicole this is... The guys," I say and she laughs.

"Well we better get working on that Italian project," Kelly says trying to break the tension.

"Yeah," I say and look at the boiling water, "you guys have the Mac&Cheese we'll make more later," I say as the boys start to take over.

"Hey Joe," I turn my head to look at Jack J.

"Hey Jack," I say and the other one turns around, I mentally slap myself, "I mean, hey Jack J." I say and he laughs.

"Is that girl Talia still f-in' with you?" My eyes widen and I gulp.

"N-no," I say and he looks at me dead in the eyes.

"What did she do this time Joe?" He says stepping closer to me and I back up.

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