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(Just wanted to say that I refer Jack J as JJ so anytime I say Jack it means Jack G)

It was November 15th. We were in the airport waiting for the plane to come so we can head to Magcon. I was in the airport with Cameron, Nash, Jack, and JJ. I didn't talk to JJ anymore because of what happened. Kelly stayed at my house until the time we had to leave for Magcon. JJ tries to talk to Kelly, Nash, Cameron, or me but we won't even look at him, all we do is give him dirty looks.

Jack didn't forgive him but he just talks to him because he kind of has to. For that app called Vine. Yeah, "And everyone this is the Joseph Dallas in her natural state," Jack says pointing his phone at me. I was wearing black soffie shorts, Cameron's black Magcon sweatshirt, my purple knitted uggs, with my hair in a messy bun, and my nerd glasses on, drinking a frap from Starbucks. So in other words I looked like a bum that crawled out of the sewer, "This is very rare to see!" He says laughing, soon my phone dings and I see the Vine.

JackAndJack: Le JoeHoeDallas in her natural habitat! It's very rare!

I laugh commenting that he was a jerk, I look to my right shaking my head, "You're so mean." I say laughing.

"But you love me," he says winking at me.

"Okay, if you say so." He smirks at me and I give him a weird look, "You wouldn't," I say. Jack stands up on the chair and winks at Nash who's video-taping us.

"OMG THE JOE HOE DALLAS SAID I HAVE A BETTER ASS THEN NASH GRIER! OH MY GOD IM GONNA DIE!" He screams and I feel the heat rise to my cheeks. All the guys are laughing and I cover my face with hands.

"Awwww Joe, are you embarrassed?!?" Nash asks running up to me shoving the phone in my face. I hit him and he laughs, then walks back to his seat by Cameron who is still dying of laughter.

"Sorry babe, but you did say I had a better ass then Nash," Jack says with a smirk, I cross my arms leaning on the back of seat.

"Maybe I was kidding," I mumble.

"Oh really?" Jack asks and I turn my head to look at him.

"Really," I say, he then gets closer to me. I swear my heart just turned into a race horse, and the butterflies in my stomach just busted through the cage, going crazy. I see him smirk and get closer, my eyes widen as the space between us becomes close to an end. Right before our lips touch he speaks up.

"Are you kidding now?" He asks looking down at my lips. I gulp, not answering his question.

"Okay kids back it up, no PDA," Nash says pushing us away from each other, Jack just smiles at me. He gets up and heads over to JJ who looked pissed. Nash takes Jack's seat looking at me, "I thought you liked Taylor," he says leaning back on the chair a smile growing on his face.

"I do, nothing was gonna happen," I say taking out my phone going through it.

"Yeah okay. Looked like you guys were about to have a straight out make out session," he says, I put down my phone looking Nash straight into his eyes.

"I. Do. Not. Like. Jack." I say not breaking the contact.

"Not even the littlest bit?" He ask. I think for a second shaking my head.

"Nope," I say and he shrugs his shoulders going through his phone.

"Flight 750 to Dallas, Texas now boarding," the loud speaker says and I stand up grabbing my bag, throwing it over my shoulder. I start to walk to the boarding line, and get on the plane. Cameron cuts in front of my grabbing the window seat, I sit next to him and Nash next to me. I plug my head phones into my phone and go to my music. I put in one of my head phones when Nash leans over to me.

"By the way I have a WAY better ass then Jack," he says with a smirk.

"I'm not going to live this down am I?" I ask and he smirks plugging his headphones in.

"Nope," he says and I roll my eyes putting my other headphone in, blocking the world out for the plane ride.

"JOEY!" I quickly wip my head around to see Taylor running at me. He attacks me in a hug and I hug him back.

"Don't hog her!" I hear Brent say prying Taylor off me, then wrapping his arms around me. He let's go and goes to say hi to others. The whole time between this Magcon and last Magcon Taylor and I have been texting. Non-stop.

"Umm.. So Joe, I was wondering-" Taylor says rubbing the back of his neck. He looks at me, his brown eyes meeting my blue ones, "Will you be my girlfriend?" He ask and smile shaking my head.

"No sorry," I say and his eyes widen.

"Oh umm..." He says and I shake my head.

"I was joking," I say smiling, he smiles pulling me to him. He plants his warm lips on mine. I smile and I hear cheering coming from behind us. We pull away and I hide my face into Taylor's chest. He just laughs. I pull away rolling my eyes, and we walk to the limo with my bags. I throw my stuff into the trunk and hop in sitting next to JJ and Taylor. I scoot closer to Taylor and he wraps his arm around my waist.

We drive to the hotel and we all run out, I run to my room plopping on a bed, "Well hello there," a girl says and I look at her, she has orange curly hair and is wearing kitty ears, "You must be the famous Joe I've been hearing about." She says I nod my head smiling, and sitting up, "My names Mahogany but you can call me Lox," she says sticking out her hand. I shake it.

"I would introduce myself but it seems like you already know me," I say laughing as a two boys run into our room.

"Lox you're staying with me now!" Shawn screams, as Taylor stand next to him smiling. Mahogany shakes her head, crossing her head.

"No I'm not, I'm spending time with Joe. Taylor you can't spend a couple nights with out her," she says smiling. I just laugh and Taylor grabs me, picking me up and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Okay, but she's mine for now," he says kissing my cheek, and dragging us both out of my room going to his. We walk in, he locks the door and I hop on the bed, "So what ya want to do babe?" He asks and I think. I turn on the tv and go onto netflix.

"Movie night?" I ask and he nods his head smiling. Even though it was like four I was so tired. He sits next to me, I kick off my boots and cuddle under the covers. Taylor gets under too and wraps his arms around my waist, as I put on Ferris Buller's Day off.

Let's just say we watched the movie till the middle, then Taylor got bored and the movie wasn't our main subject.

(No they are not having sex they are making out)

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