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"Joe, truth or dare?" Matt asks me smiling.

"Dare," I say and Matt smiles.

"I dare you to kiss Nash," my eyes widen and I look at Nash.

"Chicken please," I say and they roll their eyes.

"Come on he's not that bad, just kiss him," Matt says and I roll my eyes.

"Fine," I move over to Nash and get close to his lips.

"For 15 seconds," Matt says and I shoot him daggers. I connect my lips with Nash's, god he's a good kisser!

"Okay, 15 seconds is up," Cameron doesn't say but Jack G says. I laugh and go back to my spot.

"Joe," Nash says and I look at him, "you have your tongue pierced?" My eyes widen and I look at Cameron.


"Now Cameron calm down," I say patting his back, "it's just a game... Soo JJ truth or dare?" I ask, I call Jack J JJ, cause that's what Kelly and I would call him ever since we were born.

"Dare," he says.

"I dare you to do grind on me," I say and he stands up shrugging his shoulders, "with Matt underneath you," I say with a smile and he looks at me. Eyes wide.

"No thank you!" Matt screams.

"It's JJ's dare," I say and he looks at Jack.

"Chicken please," Jack says and I just shrug.

"Taylor truth or dare?" JJ asks.

"Dare," Taylor says leaning back in his seat.

"I dare you to do the grind on me with Joe under neath you," he says and give him dirty look.

"No!" I say.

"Sorry not your dare," JJ says and I roll my eyes. I get up and lay on the bed covering my eyes with my hands. Jack G plays the music and the rest of the boys video tape it. Taylor does the grind on me, and when it's done I push him off.

"Okay we're done!" I scream, getting up.

"Joe-" I cut him off.

"Truth!" I scream and he laughs. He narrows his eyes.

"Are you a virgin?" He smirks and my eyes widen. I look at Brent then at JJ.

"Dare!" I scream and Cameron looks at me weirdly.

"Fine, I dare you to answer that question," Taylor says and I sigh.

"No," I mumble under my breathe.

"What i didn't hear you," JJ says and I give him a dirty looks.

"No." I say aloud. All their eyes widen and I smile.

"YOURE NOT A VIRGIN! JOE!" Cameron screams.

"Damn you're finding out a lot of things about me on this trip," I say standing up, "well I'm gonna go to sleep." I start to walk to my room when Cameron stops me.

"Who?!" He screams and I steal a glance at JJ who is smiling evilly.

"No one," I say and turn around. He grabs me by my arm.

"Joe, I am your older brother and I demand you tell me now!" He screams.

"THATS JUST IT! YOUR MY BROTHER NOT MY FATHER SO BACK OFF!" I scream at him and rip my arm from him, I go to my room slamming my door room shut. I jump on my bed and go through twitter.

@Joeee_Hoeee_Dallas: brothers are annoying :/

I lock my phone and plug it in. I get under the covers and close my eyes. Soon I feel someone laying on top of me, "Get out of my bed!" I say.

"I thought we already went over this! This is my bed too!" Taylor screams and I laugh. He gets off me and I sit up, "Sorry for asking you that question. I thought you were a virgin," he says and I just shrug.

"I only had sex once, so I'm not a slut," I say and he laughs.

"Joe," he says and I look at him, "you're cute." He says leaning in.

"You're cute too," I say, our lips only centimeters apart.



"Can I kiss you?" I smile, getting closer to him.

"No," I say.

"Oh," he says backing up, I grab him by his neck, bringing him closer to me.

"I was joking." I say, I crash my lips to his and we move in sync. His tongue slides on my bottom lip asking for entrance. I let his tongue in and we fight over dominance. He then starts to play with my tongue ring making me smile. I pull away after a couple minutes of us making out. He was now laying on top of me and I smile at him.

"I'm gonna go to sleep," I tell him and get back under the covers. I close my eyes and soon enough I feel arms wrap around my waste.

"Good-night beautiful," Taylor says and I smile.

"Good-night Taylor." With that I fall asleep.

~next day 11:00am~


I shoot my eyes open and turn off my alarm. I close my eyes and cuddle back into Taylor. Wait... Taylor! I made out with him yesterday. Damn he's a good kisser.

"I like your alarm," Taylor says and I laugh.

"Thanks," I say and sit up. I look around the room to see the other two boys sleeping. I get up and hop on their bed, "Wake up me niggas!" I scream and the two boys wake up, "We're going to iHop in 20 minutes!" I scream running to the bathroom with my bag, "Wake the others!"

I change into jean shorts with rips in them, a white shirt with Matt on it, and black high top converse. I put on my brothers dog tag. I take out my straightener and straighten my hair, keeping it down. I brush my teeth and put on some bracelets. I fix my tongue ring and change my belly button ring.

I walk out of the bathroom to be greeted by all the boys, "You guys ready?" I ask and they all nod their heads. We head to iHop.

~60 minutes later~

We got back to the hotel at like 12:30, and Magcon starts at 1. We go over what we were going to do for Magcon and it was already one by the time we were done.

The boys all go out saying their names when it's finally my turn.

"Hola my little penguins!" I scream and the crowd goes wild, "I'm Joe Dallas!"

"AND THIS IS MAGCON!" We all scream.

God this is awesome.

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