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"Magcon starts in twenty minutes!" Nash screams running into the room Taylor and I were making out in, we've been dating for five days now, "DUDE STOP SUCKING EACH OTHERS FACES! YOU CAN DO THAT LATER MAGCON IS NOW!" Nash screams, I pull away from Taylor standing up and walking out of Taylor's room. I get into the elevator with Jack, I smiled at him and he returns a smile as well.

I fix my white sun dress, and my straight hair. I look over at Jack to see him checking me out, I look down. I was just wearing a white strapless dress, light pink doc martens, my hair was straight, and I had on my nerd glasses. I look over at Jack checking his outfit out which was just cacki shorts, with a tye-dye shirt, and black vans. Man did he look good.

"Take a picture it last longer," Jack says with smirking. I cross my arms giving him a look.

"Oh really?" I say smirking, "I'm pretty sure in your head you were mentally undressing me," he laughs and shrugs.

"Damn you know me so well," he says smirking, he takes out his phone and snaps a picture of me.

"What the fudge was that for?" I say smiling.

"Pictures last longer," he says smirking, and I hit him as the doors open. I run out with Jack close behind to the limo. I hop in to see all the boys already in there. I smile and sit next to Taylor and Nash. I see Nash give Taylor a dirty look, then he crosses his arms looking away. I look at Taylor.

"What was that about?" I ask whispering to Taylor. He just shakes his head, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Nothing," he says and I just nod my head looking at Nash. He's giving Taylor a dirty look and I'm completely confused. We get to the place where Magcon was being held. I get out with Taylor and he takes my hand, walking into the building. Girls were screaming as we walked into the building.

We were back stage waiting for it to start. I was on my phone, then I looked up realizing that we were missing some boys. I look around for Taylor, Carter, and JJ. I get up looking around when I bump into someone. I look up to see my older brother staring down at me in disappointment, "What?" I ask and he shakes his head, I just roll my eyes, "Do you know where Taylor went?"

"No," Cameron says and goes to walk away. He then looks back at me, "just please be careful Joe." He just walks away after that. Okay. Now I'm confused. I just start walking around looking for them when a door opens and hits me in the head. I fall to the ground holding my head.

"Ow!" I scream, I grab my glasses and put them back one face.

"Oh my god Joe! I'm so sorry!" Nash screams helping me up.

"God Nash watch out when you open doors!" I say laughing, he just smiles, "Hey Nash, have you seen Taylor?" I ask and his smile disappears.

"Joe you really need to be careful with him," Nash says with a look of concern.

"Why did you say that? Even Cameron told me to be careful, what's going on here Nash?" I ask crossing my arms.

"Joe, I'm sorry, Cameron doesn't know, but Tay-" he was cut off by Taylor.

"Hey babe. Nash," he says wrapping his arm around my waist, I look at Taylor to see him giving Nash a look.

"Nash what were you saying?" I ask and Nash looks at Taylor.

"Nothing," Nash says walking away. I look at Taylor arms crossed.

"What did he want to tell me?" I say and Taylor just shrugs his shoulders, "I know you know Taylor."

"I don't," he says sternly, "Now just leave it alone."


"OKAY KIDS MAGCON STARTS IN THREE!" Bart screams, I look at Taylor rolling my eyes and walking to the stage. Mahogany calls all the boys names then she calls mine and Shawn's.

"AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST JOE DALLAS AND SHAWN MENDES!" We both run out with a mic waving.

"Okay guys! We're gonna do some questions!" Nash screams, "You with the pink beanie!"

"Taylor do you really like Joe!?!" She screams and Taylor walks over wrapping his arms around my waist kissing my cheek. I smile.

"Of course I do!" He screams, "Okay! Next person!" He screams letting go.

"Girl in the dream hat!" I scream.

"For your next cover can you do love robbery!?" I think for a second and nod my head.

"That's a really good song so yes I will!" I scream. Girls start to scream and I laugh.

~after Magcon 5:00~

Right after we got back to the hotel I ran to my brothers room. I lock the door and look through the peep hole, right when I see the person I want to see coming to the room I throw open the door, grabbing the person. I rip them into the room slamming the door shut behind me.

"Joe you scared the crap out of me!" JJ screams crossing his arms. I just roll my eyes at him, "I thought you were ignoring me." He says with a smirk.

"Just shut up and listen," I say crossing my arms this time, "I need to know something important." He just nods his head for me to continue, "What's going on?" He looks at me weirdly, I just roll my eyes, "Everyone's telling me to be careful with Taylor! No ones telling me what's going on!" I scream and his eyes widen.

"W-what do you mean?" He asks a little scared.

"Everyone's telling me to be careful," I say eyeing him down, "You know something."

"N-no I don't," he says stuttering a little.

"Yes you do JJ, I'm not stupid. I known you since forever!" I say keeping my arms crossed.

"No I don't Joe! I don't know anything so keep your nose out of everyone's business!" He screams and his phone dings, he takes it out checking it, then types something, "I need to go Joe, I'm sorry," he mumbles and leaves the room. I sigh and plop on a bed, then I hear screaming coming from my room. I get up running down the hall.

I slowly put my key in and turn the knob, Lox, JJ, Carter, and Taylor all look at me eyes wide, "W-what's going on h-here?" I stutter a little. Lox looks at the boys.

"You tell her or I do," she says and my eyes widen.

"Don't you dare Mahogany," Taylor says through gridded teeth. Lox gives him a dirty look, she then looks at me with concern.

"Joe I'm sorry bu-" she was cut off by Cameron come storming into the room punching Taylor right in the face. Taylor staggered back.


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