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~16 years later~

"Adaliegh!" I scream up the stairs sighing, "Adaliegh Nash Dallas!" Adaliegh comes running down the stairs smiling at me.

"Yes mommy?" She says smiling at me batting her eyelashes, I roll my eyes at my sixteen year old daughter.

"Why is there dog piss on the carpet?" I ask and she shrugs her shoulders.

"No idea, better ask dad." She starts to go up the stairs when a barking comes from the same direction, she turns around with a fake smile.

"Go get the pup," I say rubbing my head.

"That's the funny part," she says with a laugh, "he's not exactly a pup." My eyes widen, "Mazzy!" In a couple of minutes a big German Shepherd comes running down the stairs. My eyes widen, "Mom this is Mazzy. Isn't he cute? Found him at a shelter." She says petting the big dog.

"If he's that big, than why is there pee on the carpet?"

"He's still only a year." She says.

"Your remind me so much of your dad." I say with a laugh.

"Which one?" She says and I look at her, "Sorry, didn't mean it that way."

"It's okay hon," I say as the door opens.

"I'm home!"

"That dad," I say with a laugh pointing at Jack.

"What did I do this time?" He asks.

"Nothing, mom's just telling me how much I remind her of you." Addy says with a laugh.

"Nice!" Jack says high fiving his daughter.

"No not nice!" I say slapping my forehead, "And Jack you really don't notice?"

"Notice what?" He asks looking around, his eyes lands on the dog, "Holy shit its a dog!" He says happily petting it.

"Jack," I say, "language."

"Sorry." He says with a smile.

"So can we keep her?" Addy asks with a big smile, just like Nash's.

"Yeah can we?" Jack asks like a two year old.

"Ugh fine." I say and they high five each other again. I laugh and walk into the kitchen going to finish dinner.

"Mommy! There's a bear in the living room!" Ian screams tugging on my jeans. Ian is my second child, he's eight and looks a lot like Jack. We only have two kids, but the third is on its way.

"No honey, that's Addy's new dog." I laugh.

"That's a dog! Wow! I'm going to go pet it!" He screams and runs into the living room. Adaliegh walks in laughing at her little brother.

"Hey, mom." She says with a sigh, "It's seventeen years today." I look at the calender nodding my head, "I'm happy you told me about Nash, what you guys had was sweet." She smiles. I wipe off my hands and sit down on a stool.

"Want to here another story?" I ask and she nods her head with a smile, "Take a seat." She takes a seat next to me, "After you were born, I was told that you weren't Jack's by a letter that was written by your father. All the pieces fit together after that. I had to find away to tell Jack and Ididn't know how to. I was freaking out, then he called me up saying that he was outside my house and we needed to talk. I let him in and we had an argument, he then left after I told him you weren't mine. I told him that he can walk out on me, but no matter what he will never walk out on you. I then promised you that Jack will be a part of your life. Later that night he came back and told me that he loved me, and love was forever. Then he asked me to marry him. I never let you down on that promise." I say and Addy smiles.

"Is that Jack's ring you wear around your neck?" She asks, I shake my head.

"It's the one that Nash gave me before he died." I say and reach behind my neck and unlatch it, "I want you to have it, it's one of the things I have left of your father." I give her the necklace, she puts it around her neck, then places her hand on the ring.

"Thanks mom, I love you." She says hugging me.

"I'll love you forever baby girl," I smile rubbing her back, "I promise."


Cries for about five hours.

Sorry for ending it I loved this story so much and it was amazing to see how much you guys loved it too!!

The girl in the pic is Adaliegh (just pretend that the girl has blue eyes. Okay? Okay.) and the dog is Mazzy.

Well I love you all again and I will always love my little penguins.

Bye my little Penguins:*

PS. Don't forget the check out my other books.

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