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"Hush, little baby, don't say a word. Mama's gonna buy you a mocking bird. And if that mocking bird don't sing, Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring." I rock Adaleigh back and forth. I hum the rest as I make her bottle. I look down and see her smile with her bright blue eyes.

I finish the bottle and sit in the living room. "Kelly can we not watch stuff with blood?" I laugh and Kelly nods her head with a smile. She changes the channel then looks at me.

"Now give my god daughter to me," she says.

"You want to feed her?" I ask with a laugh and she nods head.

"Hell yeah I do." She says and I scold her, "Sorry, didn't mean to say it." I laugh and hand her over the little bundle. She starts to feed Adaleigh, "Did you put your belly ring back in?" I laugh as she says belly ring.

"It's been a week since Addy was born Kellz, of course I have." Kelly laughs at me.

"You and Jack make a cute baby," Kelly says and I gulp, "and a cute couple." She says as Adaliegh finishes her bottle and Kelly starts to burp her.

"Bout that Kellz," I say rubbing my next looking at the rug under my feet, "I need to tell you something."

"What's up hon?" She asks as the baby burps.

"Adaliegh-" I was cut off my the doorbell going off. I sigh getting up, "Hold on." I walk to the door and open it. My eyes widen and I gulp, "Uh- Hi Elizabeth." I say awkwardly.

"Hi honey," she says with a smile.

"Who's ther-" Kelly starts to say when she sees Elizabeth, "Hi Ms. Grier." She says repositioning Adaliegh in her arms.

"Hello girls," she says with a smile, then looks at Kelly and Addy in her arms. "This must be little Adaliegh." She says and I nod my head.

"Come in Liz," I say and Liz steps in. I haven't seen her since Nash's funeral, which was nine months ago.

"Here, you can hold her." Kelly says hands her Adaliegh, then grabs her jacket from the coat rack, "JJ needs me at home." She says and leaves closing the door behind her.

"So Joe how are you doing?" Liz asks.

"Good I guess," I say with a shrug, "want to go and sit?" I ask and she nods her head as we make our way to the living room, we take our seats. "So how have you been?"

"Good, Hayes and Skylann miss you," she says a slight smile on her face, "they miss you both." She looks up at me and I nod my head.

"I miss him like crazy." I say as if it wasn't real. I watch as she smiles down at Adaliegh.

"Shes very pretty," she say looking up at me, I smile.

"Thanks." I say.

"And I really love they name Adaliegh, is beautiful." She says and I laugh, "What?"

"I didn't think of the name," I laugh and Liz just nods her head, I smile creeps up my face, "Nash did." She smiles then looks back down at Adaliegh. I hear her gasp.

"T-the eyes." She says and my eyes widen. She looks up at me shaking her head, tears start to slip from her eyes. She gets up and gives me Adaliegh, "I'm sorry I have to go." She says and starts to walk to the door. She turns around and looks at me.

She takes a envelope out of her pocket, her hand shaking, she hands it to me, "The hospital have this to me when Nash-" she gulps, "it said to wait 9 months then give it to you as soon as I can. Bye Joe."

"Thank you." I say and she smiles nodding her head, she then leaves. I stare at the letter in my hand then look at Adaliegh in my arm. I put down the letter and run upstairs into the nursery.

I set Adaliegh down, she's already half asleep and I start to hum as I rock her cradle back and forth. She finally closes her eyes and I sneak out of her room then down to the kitchen.

I grab a soda, then turn, I stare at the letter that sits on the table. I turn my head looking at the clock, nine-forty, I sigh. I walk to the table grabbing the letter and sit down on the couch. I cross my legs and slowly open the envelope.

I unfold the paper and stare at his handwritten, I missed it so much even though it was so horrible. My eyes get fixed on the first two words

Dear Joe,
Hi baby, I miss you like crazy. Even if you think I don't, and think that I'm crazy thinking that I would still even remember you when I'm gone. Go ahead. I am crazy, crazy for you. I love you so much and I'm so sorry that I didn't tell you sooner that I had a tumor. I just didn't want anyone to know, because I didn't want anyone to pity me. I hate pity. By the time you read this I will be gone, and you'll have little Adaliegh, well I hope you named her Adaliegh. You know how much I love that name, any who- I just wanted you to know that, that baby, it's mine. I never you know... Yeah. Well I figured out you when you were sick that one morning. I love you so much baby girl and I'm so sorry for leaving you. Please tell little Adaliegh that Daddy always love her even though I never met her.
Please also, for me, wear the ring. So you know I am always with you, please do it for me. I love you and I'll always watch over you and Adaliegh.

Love you always baby girl,
Hamilton Nash Grier<3

I gasp a little, the ring. I totally forgot about the ring. I grip the letter tight in hand as I run up the stairs into my room. I throw the letter onto my bed and run to my jewelry box. I open it and stair at the diamond ring.

I stair at it, then slowly reach for the ring. I slip it back on my finger and just stare at it for a second. It feels so wrong, I take the ring off and look at my mirror, I sigh. I look down to see a chain that Nash once wore.

I picked it up and put the ring on the chain. I put it around my neck and stared at myself through the mirror. I sigh placing my hand on the chain.

The baby starts to cry and I make my way to her nursery. I pick her up and start to rock her. She won't stop crying, "Baby girl please." I say ready to cry my eyes out. She looks at my neck and starts to play with the chain and ring.

I put her back in, taking off the chain. I start to dangle it and she grabs it close to her, but she doesn't chew on it, she holds it. I smile, "I really wish you could have met your daddy, he was amazing." I smile.

"Wait, Jacks not the dad?" I turn around fast to see Cam in the doorway- his eyes wide. I shake my head, "Then who is?" I gulp.


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