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~8 months later~

"Jack!" I scream, and he laughs, "Stop looking at me like that! I'm fat!" I scream covering my face.

"You look beautiful baby." He says taking my hands away and kissing my lips. I smile.

"I love you." I say between kisses.

"I love you too." We smile when I feel a kick.

"Shit. That hurt," I mumble and Jack laughs. "Shut up, you'd wouldn't be laughing if you had to carry a baby for eight months." I say pushing him and smiles getting up.

"Well, I don't have to deal with that, never have to, never will," I shake my head. "I'm going to order pizza okay?" He asks and I nod my head switching the tv on. I start to go through channels when I come across the news.

"It's been nine months since Vine famous Nash Grier died from a brain tumor. It's so sad that such a young and handsome man had to be taken from this earth. He would have made a girl really happy one da-" I turn off the tv and wipe tears from my eyes. It been nine months since my best friend died, my other half.

"You okay?" Jack asks and I shake my head, he looks at the tv and sighs taking a seat next to me, "I didn't want you to get upset about Nash." He wraps his arm around me, "He's better now, and I bet he's looking down happy that we are where we are now." He say and laugh.

"I'm a little confused but thanks." I kiss him, "Can we watch a movie?" I ask and he nod his head turning on the x-box and Netflix.

"What do you want to watch?" He asks and I grab the controller playing Finding Nemo. He laughs as the door bell rings, "PIZZA!" He screams getting up and walking to the door. He opens it, "Your not the pizza guy," I laugh looking at the door.

"Yeah, thanks. I just forgot my keys so I couldn't get in." Cam says taking off his jacket. He puts it on the couch and sits next to me, "Damn." He says and I laugh rolling my eyes.

"I know I'm fat." I say and he shakes his head.

"First, I was saying damn to Finding Nemo, and second, your not fat your glowing!" He says causing me to laugh.

"Pizza!" Jack screams as he opens the door once again paying the pizza man. He walks into the living room with the box and a bottle of soda. We all grab a slice and I lean back on couch.

~three hours later~

"Oh fuck." I mumble holding my stomach.

"You okay babe?" Jack asks sitting up, Cameron looks at me. I shake my head.

"It hurts, it's kicking," I say sitting up.

"Why don't you find out the gender so can stop calling the baby it?" Jack asks.

"I want it to be a surprise." I mumble and move in my seat.

"Joe, how many months are you?" Cameron asks.

"Only eight." I say, "Fuck!" I scream again shifting.

"Joe, get in my car now." Cam says slipping on his shoes.

"Why?" I ask as I slip on my slippers.

"Mom was like this when she was about to have you." He throws on his jacket.

"How do you remember? You were what, three?" He just rolls his eyes.

"Let's go." He says and Jack follows us to Cam's car. We drive to the hospital.

"How may I help you?" The nurse asks.

"I'm pretty positive my sisters in labor." Cam says and she calls someone over. They bring me the wheelchair and I sit in it.

"How far in are you?" She asks causing Jack and Cameron to laugh, both the nurse and I give them looks.

"Sorry for them, and eight months." I say and she scrunches her eyebrows.

"That's odd, Malkin can you bring her into a room, I get a doctor and we'll be right there." The boy nods his head bring me into a room. I lay down on the bed and Cameron sits on the bed as Jack sits on the chair next to it. In a few minutes a doctor walks in.

"Hello Miss Dallas, I'm your doctor Whitney." She says with a smile, I smile back when I feel another kick, "How long have you been in pain for?" She asks and I think.

"Since this morning." I say and she nods her head looking at the two boys.

"If you two don't mind, can you step out of the room? I need to check something." They nod their heads leaving the room closing the door behind them. She checks down there, and gasps. She stands up looking at me smiling, "Honey, your in labor."

~After those horrible hours of labor~

I wipe he sweat off my forehead as I look at the little bundle in the doctors arms. She smiles handing me the bundle, "It's a girl." I smile and look down. Jack on one side of my bed, Cameron on the other. I smile at both of them, Jack looking at the little thing we brought into the world.

"She has your eyes," Jack says smiling and I gasp looking into her blue orbs.

No, they weren't my blue eyes. They were more... Vibrant. Bluer than anything.

Those eyes, I did not make those, that smile, it's not mine. But someone else's. Someone who I lost a long time ago. Someone who I had to say good bye with.

"What do you want to name her?" The nurse asks.


"If we were going to have a baby I want her name to be Adaleigh." Nash says plopping down on the couch.

"We're too young to be thinking about baby names babe." I laugh cuddling up to him, "We haven't even..."

"I mean, when we're older," he laughs, "I want her name to he Adaleigh." His smile so bright.

"Why are you so positive it's going to be a girl?" I ask looking up at him, he looks down.

"I just feel it," he smiles and leans back.

"Adaleigh," I say with a smile and cuddle into him more, "I like it."

~flashback over~

"Joe?" Jack asks and I snap out of my moment. I look down at the little bundle in my arms, the only thing I had left of the thing I lost many months ago. I smile.

"Adaleigh," I see her smile just a little one, "Adaleigh Nash." Cameron smiles at the name of his best friend.

"It's pretty, how'd you come up with?" The nurse asks and I smile down at my baby.

"An old friend."

OMG!! I am soo sorry for not updating for I don't know how long! But I had a little bit of writers block, but I got through it!

So what do you think?

Who's baby is it?

Who misses Nash? I do :(

Well I'm gonna go, you should vote and comment if you like this book in general. I'll also try to update soon!

Love you all<3 stay strong :*
By my little penguins!

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