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No. This can't be happening. I shake my head as the tears slowly come from my eyes, "Nash." I whisper to him and he looks at me.

"It's just a movie babe." He says laughing.

"But it's so sad!" I yell and he laughs.

"Would you shut up! I'm trying to watch a movie!" Cameron screams throwing a piece of popcorn at us.

"Shhh this is the best part!" Nash screams, I laugh, "NO DON'T DO IT ROSE! YOU PROMISED YOU'D NEVER LET GO!" He screams and I look at him.

"Aren't I suppose to be the emotional one in this relationship?" I ask and Cam butts in.

"I thought Joe was suppose to be on her period. Not you." He mumbles, I take a pillow and throw it at him.

"I would throw Nash, but I'm pretty sure I can't pick him up." I say, Nash puts a hand over his heart.

"Are you calling me fat!?" He screams and I laugh shaking my head.

"I would never!" I scream back, "Now shut up and watch the movie." I say, we watch about two more minutes of it, when Cameron breaks the silence.

"Okay, we're watching something else." He says turning off Titanic.

"Thank god!" I scream and the guys look at me.

"What? I wasn't the one that wanted to watch it." I say looking at Nash.

"Who did then?" Cameron asks.

"Ask Nash." I say and Nash looks around.

"Who me?" He says pointing to himself, "Fine! I never seen it before and I just wanted to see if it was really sad." He says as Cameron puts on Scary Movie.

My phone starts to buzz, and I stand up out of Nash's grasp, "Hello?" I ask.

"Hey, Joe... It's Bart. I was wondering if you guys could do me a huge favor." He says, we haven't heard from Bart in over two months, I've been dating Nash for over a year now... Time passes by fast.

"What is it Bart?" I ask.

"Can you guys possibly come out for Magcon this weekend?" He asks.

"It's a Friday night already," I say.

"I know, I'm gonna get you plane tickets for the morning if you want to come. It would be for about a week." He says and I walk into the living room.

"Do you guys want to do Magcon this week?" I ask and they shrug their shoulders paying more attention to the movie then to me, "I'll take that as a yes." I say.

"So yes?" He asks.

"Yeah, three tickets." I say.

"Actually six." Bart says, "You three, Jack and Jack, then Johnson's little sister." He says and I smile.

"Finally! Kelly can come!" I yell and he laughs.

"Okay, well plane comes tomorrow at five o'clock, so set an alarms for about two or three." He says.

"Okay, thanks Bart." I hang up and walk back into the living room, I get back into Nash's grasp.

"Hi babe," he says kissing my forehead.

"Hey, we're going to Magcon tomorrow." I say and Nash nods his head.

"Okay, if we're going tomorrow morning then I'm going to say bye to Quinn." Cameron says getting up, he walks to the door grabbing his coat and keys, "Probably not coming back tonight." He says and leaves the house.

"Bye love ya too." I say sarcastically. Nash just laughs and kisses me.

"We have the whole house to ourselves." He says and I sigh.

"Have you ever thought of it Nash?" I ask and he looks at me, "You know... Sex?" He laughs.

"I thought of it, but never really wanted to pressure anything onto you." He says leaning back, "Just wait till it's time."

"Well, it's been a year." I say and Nash gives me a look, "Its not like I'm a virgin Nash." I say laughing, "And neither are you." He looks down at his hands, "Oh my gosh you're a virgin." I say and he looks at me rolling his eyes.

"Come on Joe." He says pushing me.

"Don't you want your first time to be special? I mean, your eighteen and a virgin, and I'm seventeen... Not virgin?" I ask and he looks at me, "We have the whole house to ourselves." I say and he smiles. We stand up and he smashes his lips to mine. We move in sync, we have a heated make out session in my living room.

"Jump," Nash whispers and I do as I'm told. I jump onto Nash's hips as he carries me up the stairs into my room. He drops me on the bed, our lips not separating at all. His tongues slips into my mouth not even asking for entrance this time. He starts to take off my shirt and shorts, I help him. Then I take off his shorts and shirt, man his body looks good. We are both left in nothing but our undergarments.

"You sure you're ready?" He asks and I nod my head.

"Everyone's first time needs to be unforgettable." I say with a smile, he smiles back.

"And mine will be, 'cause I'm with you." He kisses my nose.

"I love you." I say and peck his lips.

"I love you too." He says back, kissing my lips, but not breaking the kiss this time.


I reach for my phone of the bed said pressing it my ear, not even looking at the ID, "What Cameron?" I ask.

"It's two-thirty, you got to wake up and get ready to leave." He says and hangs up. I put down my phone and turn over to look at Nash.

"We have to get up?" He asks in the most amazing morning voice ever.

"Yeah," I say and he sighs, I get up walking to my closet. I grab clothes then walk to my bathroom, I hop in the shower. I'm in the process of washing my hair when Nash walks in, "What are you doing?" I ask laughing and he smiles.

"I need a shower too. Now hand me the shampoo." He says and I laugh handing him the shampoo.

~2 hours later at the airport~

I was laying on Nash's chest, right on the border of sleep. Nash kisses my head and I look up at him, "Can't fall asleep baby girl." He says and I groan.

"Why not?" I ask and he laughs.

"Cause they're about to call us on." He says and right as he says that the loud speaker comes on.

"Flight to Ohio now boarding." The lady says and we all get up walking to the plane. We get to our seats and I cuddle up to Nash as Jack and Kelly sit across from us. I wave to her.

"Hey Kellz." I say and she waves back.

"Hey Jay," she says and Jack looks at me up and down.

"Why you sitting with Jack and not JJ?" I ask.

"Wanted to talk to Cameron bout something so I was stuck with this loser." Kelly says nudging Jack, he smiles and plugs in his head phones. My phone buzzes and I look at it.

From: DA Kellz

You know he feels horrible. Him and Jamie broke up 'cause she was just using him to get back with Cameron. She fucked him and left. He loves you Joe.

To: DA Kellz

I know, and I love him too. But I love Nash more. And he cheated on me remember? I'm gonna take a nap. Bye.

I slowly close my eyes when Nash leans down and whispers in my ear, "Last night was the best day of my life." I smile and look up at him.

"Good," I kiss his lips and lean my head on his chest.

"Love you baby girl." He says and I smile.

"Love you too."

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