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"JOE!" Brent screams running to me, I jump up into his arms. I rap my legs around him and he doesn't let me go. After about a good minute of hugging he let's me down, "You okay baby girl?" He asks and I shake my head. We walk away from the guys telling them we're going to go get something to eat. Limo doesn't come for like another twenty minutes.

We found a McDolands in the Hollywood Airport. We order our stuff and sit down at an empty table, "So tell me what's up," Brent says eating his chicken nuggets.

"Jack has a girlfriend," I say playing with a fry, and he looks at me weirdly.

"Wait, you're not dating Jack?" He asks and shake my head, "WHAT?" He screams in his what I call 'Brenty voice'. I laugh, "But both your Instagrams say taken," I shrug and Brent picks up my chin.

"I'm 'dating' Nash," I says and Brent let's go of my chin leaning back on his chair. He crosses his arms giving me a look that he does not approve.

"Is this to make Jack jealous," I look at him smiling, he just shakes his head laughing.

"What? It works he gets pissed when we do stuff," I smile and he smiles.

"So who's the girl he's dating?" I glare shaking my head. I steal one of his twenty piece chicken nuggets.

"Claire Walker," I say, "she use to stalk my brother and JJ saying one day she'll marry one of them. She's a totally sociopath," I say and Brent's eyes widen.

"And she's here because!?" He says making me laugh.

"Jacks girlfriend remember that," I say a little upset, and Brent just rolls his eyes.

"Let's go babes, the limos probably here," he says throwing out our stuff. I stand up and fix my soffie shorts so I don't look like a slut. We walk back to the others and I go stand by Nash. He wraps his arm around my waist pulling me close to him. I look around and see Jack's jaw clench, I sigh.

This is all a game. We're all playing a game. A very sick game.

"Limos here!" Cameron screams and we all grab our bags walking to the limo. I link my hand with Nash's and he squeezes it. We get in and I sit between Cameron and Nash. Nash leans by my ear.

"You'll be okay, Joe." He says and I just slowly nod my head. It took a good fifteen of me not talking and everyone screaming. When we stop I'm the first one to get out. I grab my bag and walk to the hotel.

"Hey Bart," I says I a approach him, he just smiles.

"Hi Joe," he says and looks around at the others, "who's that blonde girl with Jack?" He whispers to me and I motions for him to bend down. Me being short had to get on my tippy toes and I whisper to him.

"Jack's girlfriend who's a socio and a stalker," I back down and he looks at me strangely. I nod my head, as he gives me a look. He sighs.

"We don't like them in Magcon now do we darling?" He asks and I laugh shaking me head.

"Of course not," I smile.

"But I'm sorry, but I don't want to be responsible for any children being made on this trip so she'll have to room with you and Lox." I just shrug.

"I don't care, what ever you want to do. You're the master to all this." I say and he just laughs as everyone comes to join us.

"Here are your keys," he says handing us each a key with a room number on it. I look to my right to see Taylor staring at me. I quickly snap my head back and hear him sigh. I go to the elevator and so does everyone else. We get to our floor with all the rooms and I run straight to mine. I claim the bed closet to the wall. Thank god there was three beds.

The door opens to reveal Claire. She walks to the bed farthest from me, she sighs, "Why do you hate me?" Claire asks crossing her arms, looking straight at me.

"Don't act like you don't know," I say and she sighs.

"I was stupid okay Joe? That was like-"

"A year ago," I say, "you stalked my brother and my best friend. Then said that Kelly and I had to leave them alone so you could have them or you'd make our lives living hell." I say and she just rolls her eye.

"Okay then we'll make this simple," she gets real close to my face, "You stay away from Jack and if you don't I will make your life a living hell. He's mine and I love him, so don't even think about it." She says and I just narrow my eyes at her. She backs up with a smirk going to her bag.

"Okay," I say as Jack walks in, "but I have one question." I say, grabbing my stuff.

"And what's that?" She asks, and I just smirk walking to the door. When I get to her bed I turn, looking at her and Jack.

"How long did you stalk Jack for?" I say and walk out of the room. I walk down the hall knocking on a random door. The door slowly opens and I sigh at the person standing in the door way, "Can I stay in here until my brother gets back?"

"I thought you were going to slap me for no reason," Taylor says leaning against the door frame. I just roll my eyes.

"Can I or not?" He just laughs moving to let me in. I drop my bags and sit on one of the beds, cris cross applesauce. He sits on the other bed grabbing the remote. He starts flipping through channels when The Big Bang Theory comes on, "STOP!" I scream making him jump. I smile and he laughs.

He sets down the remote, "What happened so bad that you rather sit in a room with me until your brother got back?" Taylor asks and I look at him.

"You wouldn't care or understand." I say and he just laughs.

"I know it's about that girl Claire Jack's dating, and I know your really not dating Nash," I give him a look, "I know my stuff Joe." He says with a smirk.

"She's a stalker," I say and he just nods his head.

"I'm sorry Joe," he says and my eyes meet his, "at first it was some stupid bet, then I got to know you and I realized how great you were. I really like you, and I can't believe I did something so stupid." He gets up and walks over to my bed. I back up to where my back was against the bed, Taylor hovering over me.

"W-what do you want Taylor?" I ask shaking. He smirks getting real close to my face.

"I want a second chance," he says and his eyes linger to my lips. I bite them and look down at his abs. I bring my lips to his ears.

"Oh honey, you don't know how much damage I can really do." I smile and he looks at me in the eyes. His lips are only centimeters apart.

"So, I have a question," he says, his lips tickling mine.

"And what's that?" I smile, his lips crash to mine and our lips move in sync. He pulls apart smiling.

"Do you-" Taylor was interrupted by a loud knocking on the door.

"Taylor! Is Joe in there!?" Cameron screams and I push Taylor off me.

"Yeah!" I scream and grab my bag, right when I get to the door I turn around and smile at Taylor.

"Don't worry babe, I don't kiss and tell." With that I walk out of the room, and walk with my brother to the room he shares with Nash.

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